Chapter 9

16 3 3

I'll say Shiney if it's the end of the chapter
Y/n = you're name
You're age is mentally 17, but physically 20
H/c = hair colour
E/c = eye colour
F/c = Favorite color
S/c = skin colour

Y/ns pov

"Okay class, we will be holding a masquerade next month, so be prepared, you all may leave to go to the other classes."

I had signed up to play the violin for the masquerade so I have to show him that I actually know how to play the violin

"Y/n come in, we have alot to learn today" The male teacher said towards me

"My name is Mr Miller, but you can call me Mr music, heh, no one? Okay I'll stop"

I zoned him out after he told us his lame joke, I wonder who all those people from the park a couple weeks ago were, I only really know Sally, oh well.

"Y/n why are you still siting? Go grab the violin" Mr Miller Said in my face

Lucky me, I took my own violin lessons when I was younger. I am using a violin my father gave me when I was a kid, so my momma made me save up my allowances for classes.

So not trying to brag but I'm a pro at playing the violin

I grab the violin and play it (play the video above) When I finish Mr Miller is shocked "You are very talented" he says with wide eyes

"I took lessons when I was younger" I replied with a toothy grin

"You may go home now" Mr Miller told me

-timeskip to next month- y/ns pov

I've just come put of practice for the masquerade, I stroll to my 3 class of the day. I open the door and walk over to (sadly) my shared desk with Maddie.

"Hey y/n, science is gonna be fun!!!!" Maddie giggled to me, Wait did I not mention that sadly she claims to be my friend now.

"Heh, yeah surrrreeeeeeee" I sarcasticly replied to Maddie

Basically me and Maddie made a huge explosion and we were applauded

Me and Maddie were walking down the hallways now, then Madddie tripped over someone's foot....

It was Gaby

"Oops sorry I didn't see you there" Gaby laughed

"Freak" Keisha said to me

"Psycho" Gaby said to me

"I'll show you what psycho is" I said with each word sounding more and more psychotic

I was about to punch Gabys face in until, Maddie grabbed my hand.

"It's not worth it, Let's go" Maddie said

We were now outside the school

"Have they always done that to you?" I asked

"Yeah.... I'm not even scared or sad, I'm just really annoyed to the point where I wish I could stab them heads and ripout their hearts!!!!' Maddie said with anger lacing her voice

I looked shocked but then my shocked face turned into a smirk

"Oh- I um- sorry I'm not a crazy psycho I swear-" Maddie said until I interrupted her

"Really!!! It's not only me!!!" I shouted at her happily

"Wait, so you also want to kill them, should we actually do it?" Maddie questioned

"Yes, Gaby is the reason why I look like this, let's go to my house and plan" I replied happily

Maddie relieved, I was also relieved that finally I wasn't the only person

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