Chapter 9: Do you want to leave?

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you want to leave so soon?" He whispered in my ear, his lips slightly touching my ear. No, I wanted to say but I knew I had to go to the house before he got there.

I guess I was in my thoughts for longer than I thought because I felt a warm hand on my hip. He hummed, "what will it be Aria?" He asked standing up but still resting his hand on my hip.

"n-y-yes." I whispered trying to stay focused.

I felt the warmth on my hip leave and I wanted to whine but I held it in not wanting to be weird. "Okay, just let me my keys." He said walking out of the kitchen. He sounded like he wanted to say something else, but of course that was just my mind playing games.

No one would want to deal with me all alone, and for that long, yikes!

Some time later we were in the car, he said that he couldn't find his keys so he had me sit on the couch, because 'you can't move' he said, he also gave me a stern look when I tried to get up, that gave me chills.

While getting into the car I tried to hide the look of pain on my face, my body has never hurt this much before. What is wrong with me? I thought for a little bit, I heard the door open and close. "Okay, seatbelt." He said starting the car.

He would take a few glances at me while driving, his right hand twitched and his eyes twitched slightly. I wonder why he does that but I didn't want to ask.

His hand made its way slowly over to my lap, when I looked at him, his eyes were just on the road..? That's weird, my thoughts were cut off by a deep raspy voice.

"Can you rub my hand again?" He seemed nervous, but he tried to hide it.

"While you are driving...I don't want you to get tired." I said unsure, I don't want to have another person's death on my hands.

He glanced over at me, "you won't make me tired I promise." I slowly reached for his hand, slowly rubbing circles on the rough parts of his hand, adding pressure on the tight spots.

After massaging his hands for a little bit he pulled his hand away. "I'm sorry, I didn't-" I was cut off by the car stopping, but we were not by the house.

"Aria, for one, don't apologize thank you for that it felt wonderful. And two can we talk about what happened. I don't feel comfortable leaving you in a place where you are unsafe, or uncomfortable." He asked looking at me.

oh no. Please not this, please just smack your head and forget about it all please! Aria! That's rude, and uncalled for!

I took a few minutes to process his words and how to answer. I can't tell him the truth, because he would laugh at me and throw me out of the car.

"Aria, just reassure me that you are safe and I won't ask anything and give you space, if that's what you need or want." He was now turned in his seat grabbing my chin in a soft but firm grip.

"I'm fine." I whispered, he simply sighed out of relief and started driving again.

"I'm sorry for pushing you. I just want to know you are okay." I simply just nodded watching the trees pass by, knowing I have to lie hurts.

A little too soon for my liking, we pulled up to the house. His car is there, fuck! I looked over at Damion to see him glaring at the truck.

"T-th-thanks for, umm, everything. Yeah, but I-I have to go!" I said trying to open the door with my butter like fingers. I felt his eyes on me making me fight the door even more. Fucking stupid butter car!

"Aria-" he started but I can't, I can't. "Don't. Please. I just have to go. Thanks." I said finally opening the door climbing out, he can yell at me later about not letting him not open it.

I got up to the door, turning back to see him gone, I wanted to stay, I'm sorry. I thought opening the front door.

When I got inside I found the house trashed, there seemed to be a break in. Ryan was on the couch passed out, beer bottles all over the place with his weed pipe of the coffee table.

Looking down I saw white powder under his nose. I grabbed a blanket from the back of the couch and covered his body. I felt bad for him, but I don't know why. Mama would of done the same thing if she was here.

Once I got all ready for bed, I crawled into bed, laying on my back. I looked up at the ceiling, today was okay. I thought as I drifted in and out of sleep.

Yeah, today was pretty good. I thought before getting more comfortable on the mattress.

Goodnight mama, I love you, so much.

That was the last thought I had in my mind before it was consumed with darkness.

Heyyy guys! Thank you for reading another chapter! It means so much to me! I love you all!-love author🖤🖤. Word count: 1572

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