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[Wooyoung's POV]

I kneel frozen on the cold floor, hands weakly supporting my body from falling. The confusion and the anxiety makes me stutter words even in my own head. I slowly move myself to the mattress that was hidden behind the chair. My knees feeling comfort from the soft blankets spread on top.

After composing myself and clearing my mind I fully observe the situation I'm in. No windows, two doors, a bed, a chair, and a mirror.
"It's okay I can work with this" I say to myself

Picking myself up I walk over to the door he walked out of, locked, as expected. The handle was inside of the door, tesla style, with a circle on one side. I press my finger against it, nothing happens, I dig my nails into the crevice all around the sides trying to pull it out, nothing happens. I switch my attention to the door itself, huge sturdy and made of metal, like a door to a safe room, making it impossible for me to break it.
"Like I could even do that with a normal door' I mock myself

Switching to the next door gives me immediate hope, I see a handle, not sunken inside the door, just a regular handle. I run towards it and pull it as hard as I can, nothing happens. I fall to my needs in frustration and fall forward suddenly jarring my arm. With my face inches from the tiles on the floor, I lift my head up and see a fully white bathroom. Confused I look back at the door that wouldn't open a second early.
"Oh..." I say in a monotone voice.
"How was I supposed to know it was push and not pull" I say frustratingly pulling myself up.
The bathroom is colourless, only bright light being shined into my eyes from all the white tiles and porcelain. After my eyes finish adjusting I list what I have to work with "double sink,toilet, bath, shower, ... a SAUNA?? ... HUH??" Running toward it I open the door and low and behold it's a fucking sauna. What kind of place am I in right now? A 5 star hotel? The stark contrast of the plain room I was put in to the fanciest bathroom one can go in is huge.

After starring at the bathroom for a questionable amount of time I remember what kind of situation I'm in. Exiting the bathroom leads me straight towards a full body mirror. I stare at myself for a moment, contemplating every choice I've made up until now. What could I have done differently? What lead me to this point?

Stepping closer I examine the mirror, not too thick, breakable? maybe. Leaving that as my last option I sort through the bed, lifting the mattress going through the sheets and blankets, only to find nothing. The adrenaline begins to wear off and my exhaustion catches up to me.
"Sleeping is not an option" I repeat to myself.
Taking a deep breathe I stand back up and list all the options in front of me.
"Making a weapon and attacking? No even if he doesn't have a weapon, which I doubt, he will be able to over power me. Sitting at waiting? Someone will have to notice I'm gone.. right?" Tears begin to stream down my face. Each breathe beginning to suffocate the next. Putting my hands together I obsessively scratch at the skin around my nails to cope, while not healthy, it works well enough to keep myself straight. I reach for my phone to turn on some music, feeling it missing from my pocket gives me a heart attack, until once again realising the situation I'm in. Checking if I had it should've been the first thing I had done...

Head to toe, cool like a lion
I'll update all the banners to be just as good quality as the one on this /hj
Also updated the cover let me know what you think
Thanks for coming back an supporting the story :)

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