Shiny Zygarde's awakening

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Ash was enjoying a normal day at alola, at the pokemon school studying about pokemon, although things have gone well for our protagonist, ash feels a strong pain on his chest for some reason, as if something was emerging from within him, he could hear something talk to him and couldn't focus on the lesson

"Rise. Chosen Z1 rise and uncover your strength" the voice said ash looked at the lesson, he tried to ignore it but couldn't keep it off his mind, soon he realized that he was being called and stopped

"Ash! I have been calling your for 6 minutes. Is everything okay?" Professor kukui said as everyone turned towards ash

"Yeah yeah I just felt a slight pain on my chest, but it's not that terrible I'll be fine" ash said

"Ash if it's something serious you can tell us" kukui said which made ash nod

"Ash are you sure it's nothing?" Lillie whispered

"Yeah I'm fine don't worry" ash whispered

"Are you sure? Your sweating a lot and your cheeks are red" kiawe whispered, now that he thought about it suddenly his body started to get hotter for some reason, he was used to alola's heat but nothing like this

"Ash I really think you should go to the nurse" kukui said

"No im fine really" ash said smiling

Pikachu was worried for his trainer, the other pokemon tried to convince pikachu that ash will be okay, but pikachu thought otherwise, he knew ash like his best friend and knows somethings wrong

"Well we're going to need to head to the aether foundation today, maybe we can get you checked up aswell" kukui said

"Alright, but I'm telling you everything's okay" ash said, soon kukui starts heading outside followed by everyone else, they all still seemed worried about ash, everyone was now in the docks riding the boat, ash was still on the same condition and it didn't change a bit,

pikachu noticed something inside ash's shirt, it looked like.. scales? It was a white and cyan colored scales, pikachu blinked and then shook his head, he then saw the scales gone, he was wondering why such weird scales appeared in the first place, he decided to ignore it but the scales felt familiar

Soon the boat stopped at the aether foundation and everyone got off, ash's cheeks became normal but there was still a certain fever

"Welcome back everyone to the aether foundation" Wickie said greeting them with burnet at her left side

"Hi Wickie. Where is mother?" Lillie asked

"Oh sorry lillie there was an accident inside the foundation your moms busy looking for the problem the caused the situation" burnet said

"Oh" lillie said wondering what happened

"Burnet do you think we can go to the examination room?" Professor kukui asked

"Yeah we can but why do you need to go there?" Burnet asked

"Ash has some kind of fever and we wanted to check on him making sure he's okay" kukui said

"Ah I see, we'll then let's go the examination room is this way" burnet said

Everyone followed so that they can know what's wrong with ash, for some reason ash felt like leaving the group and going somewhere he didn't know why but he didn't do that, he can't just shun his friends and walk away for no reason, so he just kept walking with the others still feeling a pain in his chest but it's very light to actually hurt him

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2022 ⏰

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