"Lightbulb, you're supposed to fight it." Testtube spoke.

"Well I think it's more important I don't get hit by it! I don't wanna shatter because of this stupid thing! Not in a room that looks like this!" Her voice sounded panicked, Though Test Tube had picked this blue for the room, she wondered if there was something about it she was afraid of..? Truly she had no idea what had happened to her when she was missing for a bit, the room just being a huge coincidence.

That didn't make it any better for Lightbulb, though.
"Why are we doing this, anyways! It's lame! It stopped being fun five minutes ago when you stuck us in these stupid rooms!"

"I've told you, it's not SUPPOSED to be fun, Lightbulb. You need to know how to fight, otherwise you'll die, or OTHER PEOPLE will get hurt." She frowned, really trying to get her point across. It was annoying really, how much Lightbulb insisted on ignoring this.

Lightbulb kept running around the room, evading, as Testtube finally sighed, looking at Fan.

Fan had already been pinned down by the TT-Bot, him struggling to kick at it to try and get free. It just stared at him with its lifeless eyes, before standing to give him a chance. He scurried backwards and away, into the opposite wall of the room.

"Hey Testtube this is getting a bit... Um... risky," Her gaze now turned back to Paintbrush, who spoke through slightly worn out breaths, having been evading Tacos hits for the past few minutes to try to muster up some more strength to fight back efficiently, but all this evading seemed to be wearing them out.

"So do you want to admit you're a bad fighter?"
"What-- I'm not, it's just like this thing is set in a really difficult setting, You said this was supposed to be on the easier side-- didn't you?" They quickly rolled out of the way as Taco-Bot punched into the wall, just barely missing them as they evaded.

"Maybe you're just bad..." Testtube suggested, and shrugging, even though she knew Paintbrush wouldn't see. 

"Testtube, you've seen me fight before. You know I'm fairly decent at this. If this gets any harder I'm using my powers." Paintbrush took a second to glare right into the camera, before getting caught off guard by Taco-Bot shoving them into the wall.

"What, use your powers in the small, flammable room? Use your powers that burnt down a building and almost got all of us killed!?" Testtube yelled into the intercom.

"I- Ugh! Of course that's what this is about," Paintbrush turned, kicking Taco-Bot away, taking a second to catch their breath. Testtube sighed, and turned her look over to Lightbulb again, who was holding her robot counterpart down, yelling at it...

"Not this again, Lightbulb. You have it in a good spot just hit it!" Testtube leaned forward in her seat, hoping she would finally listen, but instead, they both rolled around, the robot now pinning her, then putting a hand over her mouth to muffle the screaming as she struggled.

She looked over to Fan again now.

"Testtube, this is going too far!" Fan yelled out, evading a punch, and throwing one back at the Bot, sending it stumbling back a bit.

"But it's progressing! You guys are getting somewhere-- Or at least, most of you are," Testtube grinned, surely it wasn't supposed to go this far, she really didn't want anyone getting hurt, but they had to be able to defend themselves... No matter what.


Lightbulb frowned, still being held down by the robot, it felt so suffocating, really-- all of this did, it was so horribly overwhelming, she wanted nothing more but to summon up her electricity, and shock this device into stopping, but... She couldn't muster any of her powers. It was like they were unresponsive after fueling the machine. Not even her speed had been working for her, and truly this is one of the few things that worried her.

Teamwork is a skill we lack. (II SUPERHERO AU FIC)Where stories live. Discover now