Chapter Sixteen

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16. Alexandria Safe Zone

'I want you to know that I see you,
I want you to know that,
I am not afraid of your storms'
-rachel h.

'I want you to know that I see you,I want you to know that,I am not afraid of your storms'-rachel h

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  This is fucked.

  When the group had reconvened after the heard, they piled back into a car and the RV and drove a few more hours, until the sun was just beginning to peek it's head over the horizon. They waited, watching Rick's expression in the rearview mirror. A thick line slashed between his brows softened at the sound of children laughing and screaming from inside the tall steel walls.

  Daryl felt nauseous at the sight of them, memories of the Governor's town flooding his mind.. memories of Merle. He shrugged off his thoughts, instead watching Zeppelin as they hopped out of the car and waited for the rest of their people.

  She strolled just a few steps away from him, her arm linking with Veronica's. He never did find the courage to ask her what her relationship was with the blonde. But she did kiss him last night and he made damn sure to wait for her to go for it first. But she also thought he was dead or gone for a minute there.

  Moment of passion? Weakness?

  The sound of the metal gate squealing against it's hinges snapped his attention back to reality. In the same instant, a possum scurried through the tall grass next to them, knocking into trash cans.

  One quick shot from his bow and it was his.

  He grabbed it by it's tail, slinging his bow over his shoulder.

  "We brought dinner," he offered, holding the catch up to show the guards.

  A small snort from Zepp brought warmth to his face as they passed through the thick gates.

  "Before we take this any further, I need you all to turn over your weapons," a mousy boy with darting eyes and mud brown hair demanded.

  "Like hell," Zepp retorted.

  "Stay, you hand them over," the boy insisted.

  The all group shuffled uncomfortably, apart from Rick, who calmly bounced Judith in his arms as he leveled a smirk at the younger man. They had no clue what they're walking into and this guy says they can't protect themselves?

  Like hell.

  "If we were gonna use them, we would've started already," Rick taunted. He casually strolled past the men who now stood with their mouths gaping like a fish out of water, surveying the small group of houses laid out in front of them. Zeppelin tossed the guards her own devilish smile, and the sight sent heat flushing through Daryl's veins.

  "Let them talk to Deanna first." Aaron raised his hands in surrender, lowering his voice.

  "Who's Deanna?" Zepp circled, not even paying Aaron any attention.

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