Chapter 14

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Vivaan arrived at San's Restaurant at 10 pm. As he walked through the door, Tariq who was at the bar counter spotted him. "Vivaan..." he excitedly walked over to him.

"Tariq bhai..."

They hugged. "How are you?"

"I'm fine. How are you?"

Sanvika smiled at them while taking plates off a table. In a few minutes, Astrid, Shardul, Suchil and Aaron had surrounded Vivaan and they all were chatting with him. Sanvika watched from the counter or while waiting on tables. Everybody was happy to see Vivaan. And Vivaan seemed to have returned to his usual energetic, overly cheerful self. He was cracking jokes and telling them funny experiences he had while working.

Shardul was the one who was not 100% happy with Vivaan's return. Of course, he would not be happy considering his feelings for Sanvika. But now Shardul could see how there was a smile on Sanvika's face, that was not there before. Shardul was a good-hearted man. He could see the woman he loved was in love with someone else, and it was that guy who makes her happy. So he decided to be happy for them. Or at least pretend that he is happy.

Not that he decided to stop his feelings for Sanvika. Love does not work that way. It does not simply go away if you decide on it. So it hurt him. His sister could see it. But they both stayed silent for the happiness of Sanvika and Vivaan. They could not bear to think about separating them. It felt like interfering with destiny.

Vivaan was stumped to know that Tariq and Astrid were now dating. "Didn't you guys hate each other?" He asked the unlikely couple. They laughed embarrassed.

"They slept with each other," Sanvika said passing by the table the others sat.

"What?" Vivaan yelled.

"San, don't give out unnecessary information." Tariq turned to her, looking red that came in even though his dark complexion. Sanvika who considered Tariq as her own brother laughed while pulling his leg further.

As the restaurant closed, and everyone dispersed, Vivaan was about to leave. Tariq who decided to stay at Astrid's place that night, intentionally, had left with her. Vivaan looked hesitant to leave. Shardul left them alone with a heavy heart. He went back to his room and thought about his last lover, who left him forever. He missed her.

"Shall we walk a bit?" Sanvika asked Vivaan.

He nodded.

They walked to the beach. It was almost midnight, and the moon shone brightly that night. It was cold. Sanvika wrapped her hand around herself. Vivaan regretted that he did not have a jacket to lend her. He looked overly nervous. He has felt nervous around the girls he liked. He did not know one day he will feel like this around Sanvika. His Vicky.

Sanvika took off her shoes as they reached the water. The sea gently touched her naked feet. Vivaan stood by her, looking at her in the moonlight. He felt that he has not seen Sanvika more beautiful than this ever. She was shimmering in the moonlight.

"Vivaan..." She called.

"Hm?" He was ready to give her even his life right then right there....

"You will be here in Goa for a while, right?"

"Yeah." He said, "I mean, at least as long as the construction work is going on. And after that..."

"After that?" Sanvika began to walk through the shallow water.

"I don't know..." Vivaan followed her. "Things will happen according to what the elders decide. If you don't come back, I may even be posted here."

"Really? And your brothers will be okay with that?" She asked, looking back.

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