6: Beatrice²

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Nate's brows met. The black gloves of his are feeling the texture of the small paper. His mind is in a mess. To live as Thanatos, yeah thanks! It was so bothersome. The danger and everything.

Beatrice... Beatrice... Beatrice...

There is only one person that Nate knows that has a Beatrice name. It was the white lotus saint in the game who used her face to seduce the King of Magolia. She is known as the only Light Magic user in that era. Light Magic can be used continually while Holy magic needs to replenish or recharge whatever. So she was treasured and protected like she was more important than the royal family.

In the game, there is a quest that requires you to stop the Queen. The Queen is Beatrice. It was said that they need to stop her so another war won't happen again. The clues aren't provided, it was a great privilege if you encountered some of the clues. Because it was bothersome, the gamers don't intend to play, achieve or complete it.

Nate stopped that time when his 3 months were wasted. The clues that he got keeps him circling, repeating the first quest in the first clue. Only the thing he knows is Queen Beatrice created this Demonologist under the pseudonym Aamon. And that's all.

"It's possible If Thanatos had a diary."

He tried to rummage more in Thanatos' room this afternoon but there was no result. Only the said things of him he is possessing.

Why did Queen Beatrice who has been dead for almost 250 years send a Demonologist to the Count's manor? The Demons living and hiding in the shadow under the care of Lord Samael are prohibited to go outside of the territory unless they ask permission and be tracked. The thing about them using a Human appearance is already known, as Lord Samael is being cautious about it. Then how the hell the Demonologists Aamon know that Samael and he are demons?

"We have a pet rat."

Ugh! This is why being a butler or working is problematic. You need to rack your brain for their safety and yours too. Demon gracious hell! What entity did I offend to transmigrate me in this problematic world?

Nate quickly burns the paper. He then fixed his clothes and posture, sensing that the damn cat already arrived... with someone.

He was 2 meters away from the door. As the door opens, and spit a two people. The one has quite a big appearance, a redhead and racks in a disgusting smell of alcohol, it is clearly his master. While the other one is a little bit big compared to Thanatos but smaller when it comes to that redhead. He is wearing a black cloak, although he is keeping low. Thanatos is a Demon with great skills so he can quickly see through that man.

Black hair, nice features...The mana? Is he a sword user? Quite a slender body and he smells...

"Than, you're still awake?! I thought you were already sleeping." Samael stepped backward when he saw his trusted lackey standing straight with no emotions in his face.

"I'm cleaning. And will soon clean again."

Samael's brows are knitted. Thinking that Thanatos is a butler not a maid to clean. He is germaphobic and mysophobic so why bother cleaning?

"It's already past 12. Go to your room and sleep already." Samael grabbed the man in a cloak in the waist and walked passed to Thanatos.

Nate was in shock. He doesn't need thorough thinking about what that damn cat is gonna do. He is a demon after all. A damn demon to be exact.

Ha! Sermon won't reach that darn cat.

Nate sighed mentally, not because of being relaxed but because he really wants a vacation right now! As soon as possible! But first, the rat must be eradicated first.

Thanatos feet just guide him. There is something that he can't explain that keeps Nate letting on.

He still hasn't fully adapted to his new body. Nate and Thanatos are really opposite. Nate doesn't know any combat or fighting skill but Thanatos is. Nate is weak but Thanatos is not. Nate doesn't have any great skills but Thanatos has. Oil mixing together with water? It's far impossible for them to become one.

Synchronizing Nate's soul to Thanatos body will surely take months or years to master. Thanatos is experienced and already a hundred or maybe thousands years old but Nate is not. He looks like a 3 days old clowning himself.

Nate found himself in front of Samael's room. From a human's perspective, there is nothing wrong about the appearance of this door.

Nate is feeling stuffy, he can clearly hear the slapping skin, smooching sounds and moans behind the door.

Trying to blame Thanatos' great hearing sense, he can fill the tips of the hair in his arms.

Nate doesn't want to stay and keep hearing gibberish sounds. His soul is being quickly dirtied by vulgar sounds. He opened his clenched left hand hidden in black glove, a black flame instantly showed up.

He wants to focused on cleaning but the sound cause of sexual intercourse is getting more louder and louder.

Nate's face twitches and abruptly burns Mario peeping in the keyhole. He was hiding using an invisibility potion that is obviously handed by Aamon. He didn't think of any glance after he turned around and walked straight back to his room. Checking if Mario really has been burned by him, he can't do that.

Removing every piece of his clothes while striding to his bathroom removed the stuffy feeling. As he soaked his body in the cold water inside the small bathtub the stress he accumulated since yesterday was relieved instantly.

"Yes, tomorrow. I'll let Tommy be that cat's temporary butler."

Nate's decision is final. If that darn cat didn't let him, force is the other answer or he might use blackmail as well but he don't know anything about the Demon Lord. Nate is just relying on Thanatos instinct and the experience of his body.

The Great War of Demonica, the things he needed to buy and now the appearance of Aamon.

"How the hell can I keep up this shitty work? How nonsense living like this? Can humans here easily find a loyal servant that can give or sacrifice their life for you? Oh, that darn cat is not human. I almost forgot. Hah! After vacation, why not resign? My brain cells can't survive anymore. "

Nate keeps venting his anger out inside his small bathroom while he is soaking in the bathtub without knowing that darn cat is inside his room, sitting in Thanatos' bed wearing a bathrobe listening to Thanatos grudges.

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