|19| the truth about Will

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"Youre going to get us killed."

Leahs pov

"Hey, keith" i greet as me and lucas walk into the arcade.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Act like the dig dug machine is broken and say you have an extra in the back. And thats where we are gonna wait. Thanks!" I tell him.

"Leah, i could get fired" he warns me.

"We're not gonna say anything to anyone" lucas promises.

Keith rolls his eyes. "Fine"

After waiting about 15 minutes, the door opens. Max looks at us with an annoyed look. Me and lucas just awkwardly smile.

"You better not tell anyone, Sinclair, Hekker" keith says before shutting the door.

"What is this shit, stalkers?" Max asks annoyedly.

"Sorry. We just needed a safe place" lucas says.

"A safe place to what? Be creepy?" Max questions.

"No, a safe place to tell you" i say.

"Tell me what?" Max asks while looking between me and lucas.

"The truth about Will" i answer.

Max sits down. "Lets hear it" she says sarcastically.

"Last year.... Will didnt get lost in the woods. He got lost somewhere else." Lucas starts before explaining the whole thing.

When he finishes max just rolls her eyes. "Its crazy but,.i really liked it" she says optimistically.

"Liked it?" Me and lucas ask.

"Yeah! Well, i mean i had a few issues." She says.

Me and lucas give eachother confused looks. "Issues?" Lucas asks.

"I just felt it was a little derivative in parts" max says.

"What? This is serious max!" I say, very annoyed by her.

"How gullible do you think i am?" She asks back.

"Why would we lie?" Lucas asks.

"I dont know. To impress me or something? Or youre just like, insane" max says.

"We tell you all of this. I mean, top-secret stuff. Risking our lives. And this is how you react?" Lucas asks while standing up.

"Risking your lives?" She asks while letting out a small chuckle.

"Oh, so this is funny to you?" Lucas asks in disbelief.

"Yeah, i mean....kind of funny. Stupid, but funny" she says while getting up and walking towards the door.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"Storytimes over, isnt it?" She says while opening the door and walking out.

"Oh no" i say and open the door. Me and lucas run after her.

"Whats wrong with you? We told you what you wanted to know!" Lucas says.

"I wanted to be a part of your group not a big joke" she says while shaking her head.

"Its not a joke" lucas assures.

"You did a good job okay? You can go tell the others that i believed your lies if it gets you experience or whatever" she says while rolling her eyes and turning away.

I grab her arm. "We have rules. The most important is 'friends dont lie' never. Ever. No matter what" i tell her.

"Is that right?" She asks sarcastically and turns away again, this time heading to the fake 'out of order' sign on dig dug machine and sticks it on lucas.

"We had to do that. To protect you" lucas says.

"To protect me from who? The big bad government baddies from Hawkins Lab?" She asks sarcastically.

"Lower your voice" lucas says angrily.

"Maybe it was to protect me from the demogorgon from another dimension?" She asks.

"Max, shut the hell up!" I say, getting more and more pissed by the second.

"Oh! No, no it was Eleven! The girl-" max starts before lucas covers her mouth with his hand.

"Stop talking" he says sternly. "Youre going to get us killed. Do you understand?"

Max puts his hand down. "Youre serious?" Max asks.

"I really wish we weren't" lucas says.

"Prove it" max challenges while shaking her head.

"We cant" i say. "She went away remember?"

"So what? Im supposed to just trust you?" She asks. Me and lucas nod.

A car engine goes off and max jumps a little. "My brothers here. I gotta go" max says while walking.

Me and lucas follow her to the door. She grabs both our hands. "Dont follow me out. Please." She begs.

Me and lucas nod in confusion as she walks out. "Do you believe us?" Lucas asks as she runs to the car. No answer. Maxs brother gives us a death stare as he drives away.

We walk out. "He has a serious problem" i say.

Authors note- stranger things comes out in two days!!!! Yes this chapter will come out after but hushhh

756 words

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