|44| Staggering breaths

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"He took El! He took El! Leah wake up!"


The group consisting of Leah, Lucas, Eleven, Mike, Max, Nancy, Will, Jonathan and Nancy all piled into the car.

As Nancy tried to turn the engine on, all it did was sputter.

Leah gave Lucas a look of agony. They needed to get the proper stuff to treat El's leg, and fast. If they didn't get moving it could be bad. Really, really bad.

Nancy and Jonathan got out of the car to see what was going on.

The air around the teens in the car was silent as the air on a calm winters day, until a loud abrupt noise filled their ears. An engine revving.

Leah turned her head and saw a pair of headlights.

"Is it police?" Mike asked.

"They don't have lights on" Max answered.

But that was when Max's breath started hitching as she got a better look at the car.

"Thats Billy" She muttered fearfully.

"Back in the mall!" Nancy yelled, slamming on the door which made all the kids jump.

When they got back into the mall, Mike was pacing around, trying to get ahold of Scoops Troops.

Leahs arm was around Max as her breaths were short and hitching.

"I'm sorry" She whispers.

"It isn't your fault, Max. It's not your fault at all" Leah comforts her.

"Guys!" Jonathan yells. "Help us flip over this car!"

Leah helps Max up as they run over to the car that was previously on display at the mall. Leah was stood in between Max and Mike, using all her strength to knock the car back on its wheels.

Glass shatters, and its falls even more.

"Shit!" Lucas curses.

Leah sees that Mike had gotten slightly cut by the glass on his hand. "You okay?" She asks him.

"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine" He answers.

"Let me try" Eleven suggets.

"El..." Mike says, still panting.

"I can do it" She says, taking a step forward.

They watch as Eleven raises her arm, and tries to flip the car, but it dosen't move.

Mike had come up with the idea to use poles to push the car over, so the group of teens was standing behind the red car, that was all scratched up now, and listened to the sounds of the poles rubbing against it, making a squealing sound.

It finally flipped on its side and Mike bragged, "told you, physics"

"Whats she doing?" Max asks Leah and Mike as they look at El, who is digging through the garbage.

They walk over to her, and see her struggling to crush a Coke can with her powers, her breaths becoming short and quick as the time went on.

"El" Mike says, "Are you okay?"

"What are you doing?" Leah asks, but El dosen't answer, she turns right back to the Coke can.

Leah notices the roof above them shaking, and when she looked up, the silhouette of the monster.

"Max, Mike" She says, her voice quivering. This roof could fall on them at any moment.

"Nancy!" Mike yells, making his sister look up.

They all begin to run up the stairs, Lucas taking his hand in Leah's as they race against the clock to get away from the folding in roof.

It falls through and starts growling. The kids are hid behind a counter of an old food court store. Lucas is holding Leah in his arms, as both of them are taking in deep shaky breaths. Leah can feel his chest rising and falling with shakes by the second.

He suddenly lets go of the girl and grabs his wrist rocket.

When the monster is turned away, they all run into the back of a store, and into the backrooms, going up multiple flights of stairs. They make it outside and to Nancys car. As Leah gets in, she sees Steve and Robin.

"Hey Lola" Steve greets quickly.

"Sup Hairy" she smiles before wedging in between the two.

On the drive back, the monster is following them down the road.

"Its turning around" Robin points out.

"Maybe we tired it out" Lucas suggests.

"I don't think so. Hold on" Jonathan says as he turns the car around.

They got back into the mall, and Mike, Leah, Max, and Eleven walked through the whitewashed halls again.

Max walked out of the room where Mike was frantically pushing the elevator button

Max walked out briefly, and said her brothers name.

"Billy, you don't have to do this" Max begs. Your names Billy. Billy Hargrove. You live on 4819 Cherry Lane. Billy I'm your-" She gets cut off by Billy slapping her.

Mike goes to push him, but Billy just pushes him into a pipe. Leah tries to cling on his back but he kicks her in the knee, and pushes her into the wall. She hits her head on the same pipe Mike didlanding next to him. She feels the energy drain from her as her eyes slowly close.

Leah feels herself getten shooken. Her eyes slowly open as Mike has his hands on her shoulders, shaking her.

"He took El! He took her! Leah wake up!" He cries.

Leah, still droosy, leans on Mike when she starts walking. As they make it to the main area of the mall, they see Billy, leaning over Eleven.

Billy stands up, and walks closer to the creature. A tentacle crawls out of his mouth, and goes slowly towards Eleven.

But Billy catches it with his hands. Max's face is paralyzed with fear as Billy yells, pushing the tentacle away from El.

More tentacles come from the side, and stab Billy in multiple places as Max lets out a scream. This scream can't be described. It was the pure agony and pain of seeing her brother in this state.

One last tentacle stabbed right through his chest and his body went limp.

"Billy!" Max screamed and fell to the ground in Leah's arms.

The monster turns away. Lucas runs down the stairs and finds a limping Leah, who was still leaning on Mike.

"Lucas!" She cried.

He took her from Mike as he ran to Eleven, and Lucas wrapped his arms around her as she sobbed into his shirt.

Leah and Lucas sat in the back of an ambulance as Murray and Joyce walked out.

"Wheres Hopper?" Leah asked them.

Joyce gave her a sad look, and shaking her head before turning to look at Will.

"No. No. No" Leah said. Hopper can't be dead. He can't be.

She choked out a sob as Lucas held her once again.

She cried and cried, until Lucas asked her. "Why is their blood in your hair?"

"Me and Mike got thrown into a pipe" She says, wiping the tears out of her eyes.

And they hed on there way home.


Im fucking crying rn istg

1144 words

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