Briar: You usually skip these.

Y/N: I wanted to. Apple asked me to come.

Briar figured that was the case.

Briar: You don't seem to bothered by what happened.

You looked at her.

Briar: The whole thing with Lizzie. Saw it this morning.

Of course.

Briar: I've seen Lizzie loose her head before, but that was something else. What happened?

You groaned as you rubbed your face. You figured this would happen. Of course people would be bothering you for answers. Their problems all accumulated to basic high-school drama.

Y/N: She thought we were something we aren't. She got her feelings hurt.

Briar was a bit taken back by your blunt answer. You were acting harshly towards someone she thought you were close with.

You also seemed to be annoyed by just talking to her. She had no idea why, but you were acting strangely.

Briar: Are you okay? You seem a bit....

Y/N: Don't you have some nap to take? I'm trying to pay attention here.

You weren't, but you wanted to stop this conversation before she started asking stupid questions.

Briar frowned. You were seriously being a bit mean. She decided not to keep up the conversation and ended up leaving. You went back to looking through your MirrorPhone.
Hunter Woodsman had a few questions running through his head. He had watched the video of you and Lizzie on repeat since breakfast. Something about it wasn't right.

Lizzie threw tantrums. That was just her. But never for no real reason. And never towards you. You were probably the closest person to her.

And on top of that, he saw something that no one else seemed to acknowledge.

Raven was there.

That was why he was here now. Maybe no one else has noticed, but you've been acting differently. You were less kind, more playboyish, angry, standoffish.

So Hunter decided to talk to Raven about what happened. Or, rather, what was happening.

Raven sat off by herself in the library where she was studying. She didn't really want to be bothered by anyone who might have seen her in the video. It was the hot topic right now and she didn't really want to be caught up in it.

But, unfortunately, Hunter was already on the hunt.

Hunter: Raven.

Raven looked up from her book. She didn't want to seem annoyed, but she didn't feel like being pulled into another Royal Rebel fight. Hunter had a bad habit of leading those.

Raven: Hey, Hunter.

Hunter: You have time? I was wondering if I could ask you about something.

Raven frowned.

Raven: Okay?

Hunter sat across from her and looked around to make sure no one else was around. He also didn't want the step sisters to yell at him for being too loud.

Hunter: It's about Y/N.

Raven immediately rolled her eyes and started to close her book. Hunter quickly stopped her by placing his hand on the book and waving his other.

Hunter: Wait wait. Wait just a spell.

Raven: Hunter, I...

Hunter: Just, hear me out. Please?

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