Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Christy's POV

Fumbling with my keys, I finally manage to open my front door. The warm heat pervades my body, containing the goosebumps created just minutes before. My flat was dark except for the moon's glow through half opened blinds. I slipped off my jacket, draping it over the arm rest of the couch and tossing my purse onto the cushion beside it.

I took in a deep breath, trying to figure out what the hell just happened out there on the stairs. Why me? Why did Harry decide to pick me? I was nothing special. I was a quiet girl who just wanted to lay low. To start over. I didn't want this. I didn't want him.

Attempting to shake the thoughts out of my head, I walked into the bathroom, not even bothering with turning on the lights. I stared at myself in the mirror. The moon was bright enough for me to see the black makeup smudges under my eyes. I looked like I hadn't slept in the past 72 hours.

I turned on the shower to scolding hot; the steam surrounded me as I stripped out of my sweaty work clothes. The warmth emitting from the steam was already making my sore body feel better. I stepped under the water; my skin taking a second to get used to the water. Once the burning stopped, I relaxed. I slouched, not caring about the perfect posture I tried to keep.

The shower made my tense muscles relax. I stepped out of the shower with nothing but a towel wrapped around me. My bedroom was a mess. Clothes everywhere. I was lucky my dim bedroom light produced enough light so I could see my surroundings or I might break an ankle. The Miramba ringtone echoed from my phone laying on the bed. I picked it up; a number I didn't recognize displayed on the screen. I shouldn't be answering random numbers, but my shaky finger hovered over the screen, pressing answer.

"Hello?" My shaky voice spoke into the phone.

"You know, that's a pretty nice view." Harry's husky voice sounded through the speaker. I gulped.

"Excuse me?" I whispered.

"That towel hugs your body nicely." I gasped in disbelief. I whipped my body around towards my window. Sure enough, there he was, leaning against his black Range Rover. I quickly snatched the blinds string, shutting them. His mischievous laugh echoed in the speaker.

"How in the hell did you get my number?"

"Katie." His answer shocked me. My voice caught in my throat and I felt like I could no longer speak. "Well, see you later, Christy." His seductive voice sent chills dancing up my spine. And with that, the end of the line went dead.

I stood in the same spot for five minutes. Why would Katie give him my number? Doesn't that violate some employee code?

Knocking myself out of my daze, I forced myself to tip toe over to the window. I slightly peeked through the blinds. To my surprise, he wasn't there. The street appeared to be empty. After slipping on some sweats and a tank, I climbed into my warm bed, letting it hug my body perfectly. As comfortable as it was and as tired as I was, I couldn't fall asleep. His seductive voice rang in my head. His green orbs showed up every time I closed my eyes.

I came here to start over. A new life. A fresh start. I couldn't let this psycho boy ruin it for me. I've had enough crazy in my life to last a lifetime.


The darkness swarmed around me. Even when squinting, I couldn't make out a single object. I was sitting in a rickety, old wooden chair. Every time I tried to move, the legs would squeak loudly. My wrists and ankles tied down by what felt like rope. I shook vigorously, but they wouldn't budge. I winced as the rope dug deeper into my skin. I could feel my skin becoming raw and it burned. The tears were welling in my eyes as pain shot through my limbs. I struggled some more, but froze once I heard the familiar, dark chuckle pervade the room. I could feel the fear rise within me, chilling me to the bone. I whipped my head around, attempting to see him. The light flicked on and my breath hitched in my throat. His tall body leaned against the door frame; the same evil smile planted on his face. Every muscle in his body protruded out as he crossed his arms over his chest. Every muscle in his body was a sign of how much strength he possessed. Strength he could use to hurt me. He strode his fit body towards me. He crouched down to my level; his brown eyes burning into mine. The veins in his hand popped out as he reached up and stroked my cheek, causing me to flinch away.

"I told you I would find you." He whispered as he continuously stroked my cheek. He stood up, towering over me. His brown eyes turned dark. The back of his hand slapped across my face, leaving a burning feeling on my cheek. "WHY DID YOU RUN?!" He gripped the arms of the chair as he screamed in my face. The vein on his neck seemed more prominent as he tensed his whole body. I shut my eyes, hoping he would disappear. "You're not even going to give me an explanation? Fine. I guess this how it always had to end." His hand rose up into a fist. He brought his fist down into my chest. The force of his punch sent the chair flying backwards, knocking the wind out of me even more as I hit the floor.

"Hey!" I was shocked to hear another voice in the room. "Don't you dare touch her... ever again."

"Oh yeah, what are you gonna do?" He scoffed as he turned toward the new voice.

My head began to pound and the room began to spin. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I could hear the two guys now fighting. Profanities were being thrown and the urge to throw up or pass out soon rose within me. I jumped as I heard a heavy body hit the floor. I heard footsteps coming toward me. Large, warm hands gently wrapped around my wrists, untying the ropes. I felt large arms wrap around me, carefully taking me out of the chair. Every muscle in my body all of sudden ached. He held me close as he brushed hair out of my face. I slowly opened my eyes and met the face of my savior.

"Harry?" I breathed in shock.

"Shhh, it's okay." His raspy voice whispered. He cradled me in his arms and brought his lips to my ear. "He won't ever harm you again."

I shot up in my bed as beads of sweat rolled down my forehead. My breathing was heavy. It was just a dream? It all felt so real. The pain, Harry... all of it.

After eveything, why was Harry the one to save me?

Eyes Open {Book 1}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang