Chapter 11: "church"

Start from the beginning

"Why are you angry?"

"Because of people like you."

"Like me?"

"Yeah. Like Idiots."

"What makes me an idiot?"

"You don't even know what the bible is!!!"


"SO!? What were you raised in!?"


Monoma gave a "what the fuck" face as his eyebrows twitched which was RARE to see. He mumbled a "oh my god..." And pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Alright everyone!!! Welcome back to sunday school! We're going to sing our 1st song like usual, list some verses of the day, and sing our 2nd song before heading to our separate classes!! Alright! Everybody up!!" A heavier lady with pink hair and big red glasses.

Denki noticed another lady with white hair and bits of red roll her eyes at the other lady.

Suddenly everyone stood up at the pink haired ladys command and denki quickly followed but lagged a little. Everyone noticed it.

Everyone started clapping, singing, and shifting from one foot to the other. Denki followed the motions but not the words because he simply didn't know them. The song was something about "jingle bells" and " all the way"? Denki was confused.

Soon the song ended and everyone sat back down. Before denki could turn to Monoma and ask what that song was for the lady with pink hair started to talk again.

"Now the first topic of today is 'Lucifer, and how he changed from good to evil'." The lady gave a weird smile.

"often based the book of Isaiah, in the Bible it says, 'How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!'" Monoma spoke.

Son of the morning? Hm... interesting. Denki thought with a tad of sass.

"Correct! The story of lucifer is simple. He defined god and the once beautiful angel fell from heaven and became well, lucifer." The pink haired lady stated. Some chuckles came from around the room. Denki was confused.

"The second topic is 'compassion for your enemy'." Stated the girl with white hair and bits of red. She adjusted her glasses as her and the pink haired girl glared at each other.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend!!" Yelled one of the younger kids. There was some laughter.

"No that's from a roman quote not the Bible deary but good job!!!" Said pink hair.

"“Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.”" said Monoma again.

"Correct Monoma. Thank you. Now before we sing our last song, if any of you have donations put it in the basket thats being passed around." White hair said.

A basket was being passed around. Some put coins othere dollars and some didn't have any. Denki was one of those kids. He didn't bring any money with so he just passed it to Monoma.

"Poor i see." Monoma whispered he took the basket and placed a 100 dollar bill in it.

Denki didn't know why but that sentence bothered denki. It just didn't sit right. He didn't know what it ment but he knew it was bad. He ignored it for the time being bit it still nagged at him.

Denki noticed midnight in the very very back near the entrance of the room. She had sunglasses on but it was clearly her. Denki thought it was strange but went back to paying attention once everyone stood up again. They started singing again doing the same motions as before but different song. This time it was something about a guy named santa coming to town.

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