Chapter 23- The dead can not die twice

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She heard knocking on the inner door of the mansion, and because she was alone these past few days, she had to get it by herself. Kana opened her door. Time, after she opened the big wooden doors, froze around her. It was her daughter. 

"Is that really you?" she said shocked, her eyes getting all round and her lips barely moving. "It's really you, my dear daughter." she started crying, going as fast as she could to hug you. As she put her arms around your body, you didn't hug her back. She slightly pushed you away.

"What is wrong? Are you hurt?" she looked at you worried. "Come in. Please. I'm not going to hurt you, I promise." she held your hand, pulling you inside, but she was met with resistance. You wouldn't move an inch.

"No, Kana, I'm not going in." you said cold bloodedly. No emotion on your face or in your voice. "I came here to kill you. I won't let myself or my honor get killed by any of you anymore."

"What are you talking about you stupid girl?" she burst out, yelling. "Killing me? Go on and try!" She laughed and let go of your hand. "Do you know who I am? Not only your mother, but a pillar of the jujutsu society! If you kill me, they'll imprison you!"

"Who will, mother? The Zenins? The Gojo clan? Or my own family, the Kamo clan? Maybe you're thinking Naobito, the drunkman? His son, the good for nothing Naoya? He couldn't even come and find me, one of his puppet man did. Are you going insane, Kana? Do you really think, if you die, someone will miss you?" you looked at her, dead serious.

She froze in place. 

"WHO WILL KILL ME MOTHER? WHO WILL IMPRISON ME? TELL ME, PLEASE I'M BEGGING!" you yelled at her. "I am already dead, mother, the dead can not die twice." you turned around, sitting down on the cold stairs in front of the door. "Go on, call your dear Naobito, let him come here, I'll kill you both. Call someone from the security, I'll kill them too. Call Satoru and I'll fucking torture you in front of him, then, maybe then I'll go to prison. " you sighed. "I know my limits, you know. But you never did. You killed my father, to take his place. You took his place and abandoned me. You made me like this, Kana. You made me the monster I'll become from now on. You are the root of the problem." you turned around, tears staining your worn face. 

"You, you, you fucking brat! Don't you dare to talk to me like this! I am your mother, you are because of ME! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" She yelled so hard that she was shaking, her face red. "I MADE YOU! YOU SHOULD BE THANKING ME YOU GOT THE CURSED TECHNIQUE YOU DID! ALL BECAUSE OF ME! FUKING MAKE A MOVE AND I'LL KILL YOU RIGHT HERE!"

"Go on, mother. Kill your one and only daughter. Kill me." you laid back on the concrete, laying your arms out, sighing hard. 

The next thing what happened, took you by surprise. You never thought your own mother would, in fact kill you. But she did. She took out a knife, and plunged it into your stomach. You took a sharp breath, so fast that it sounded like a scream. 

In the meantime, Hiromitsu Gojo was just on his way, to Kana's mansion, for some urgent meeting between the key keepers. As the head of the Gojo clan, he was a representative between the key keepers, and he liked to do things old school, meeting in person. He told his driver to be especially fast today, it couldn't wait. It could mean the life of the jujutsu community.

As he arrived in front of the (L/n) clan's house he heard a sharp scream. A woman. He told his driver to be alert, and call other people for backup. 

"It's possible Kana (L/n) is in danger!" he said, his voice full with authority. Then he rushed inside the garden, fully aware and prepared to attack at any time. The sight before him was making him question, if he ever saw something more cruel than the scene playing out before him. 

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