Chapter 8- Mission part 1

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My fic doesn't always follow the storyline of the manga, but I try to stay as in line with the manga as possible. Some changes happen due to the storyline itself.

It was now a week since you heard from Geto, he left you without a way to contact him.

School was fine, you got assigned to a mission with Haibara, a two grade curse, everything should be fine, both of you are very good at what you're doing.

You sat on one of the stone banches as Haibara and Nanami appeared in front of you. They were the exact opposites of each other, Nanami was quiet, Haibara was friendly, cheerful, always talking to people. They completed each other the perfect way.

"Hey! Good morning! Did you hear we got assigned to a mission together?" Haibara patted your shoulder.

"Hello boys." you smiled looking at them. "Yes, it's going to be an easy one- it's a two grade curse. But it's more interesting that we got paired together, after all, I'm a year older than you. And they don't pair youngers with their upperclass man."

You looked at the boys in front of you, everything was so normal. Too normal, like nothing happened. Though, there was an unsettling feeling in the back of your head which you choose to ignore.

"Well, I don't care how we ended up together in this mission, I'm happy to be with you. I'll get to see your technique before Nanami does, so I'm the real winner here, haha." his smile only grew as he looked at Nanami. "But next time I'll ask them to pair you two together okay Nanami?" he said teasingly to the boy next to him.

You laughed a little bit, before taking out your pack of cigarettes, out of habit. You haven't smoked since your encounter with Geto, somehow it left a bitter taste in your mouth. You opened the pack, seeing a little piece of paper sticking out.

"Hey, don't smoke on campus!" Haibara interrupted you, snatching the pack out of your hands, tossing it into your bag. "I never understood what people liked in those, but whatever."

"Pff, thank you for correcting me, senpai." you said looking at the boys, ironically. "Well, whatever, I'll be going if you don't mind." as you stood up, you felt someone grab your arm.

Looking up, you saw Nanami looking into your eyes, a little flustered as he got ready to speak.

"Can I walk you home? I would like to speak to you about something." he quickly looked away as his hold on your arm loosened.

"Sure Nanami, why not?" you flashed him an innocent smile, tinting his cheeks with another wave of red.

You said your goodbyes to Haibara as Nanami and you started walking towards the gate of the school.

The first half of the walk was quiet, you didn't mind though, both of you could gather your thoughts. You enjoyed watching nature, and the late November wheather always calmed you. You liked the wind, the cold, how everything suddenly became naked. Some would call it lifeless, others like you their favourite season.

After some time, Nanami stopped in his tracks, looking at the ground. It was unusual, even if he was quiet, he never was this quiet with you. He suddenly looked up, directly into your eyes as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Can I ask what is the relationship between you and Gojo Satoru?"  as he said the words, he got more nervous than before.

Your calm demenour couldn't last either as he struck a cord in you, you didn't know existed. Your cheeks tinted with a slight red as you looked at the asphalt beneath you.

"We're just friends. Who live with each other occasionally." you scrached the back of your head. "Why does this interest you, Kento?" you looked into his eyes again.

"Beacause I would like to ask you on a date after your mission-of course only if you want to, I'm sure you are busy and stuff like that so it's fine if you say no." he said flustered. You have never seen the boy like this, he was always collected and uptight, but now it was like he was a whole different person.

"Is it okay if I answer after my mission?" you looked deep into his eyes, just as blushed as the boy before you. "It's not a no, but you never know what might happen, right?"

A silence filled the air, and after some moments Nanami nodded. He gave you a reassuring smile, signaling with his hand to start going. The way until the apartament was filled with casual conversation, Nanami was so fun to be around when Gojo wasn't there, he could be actually himself.

You said your goodbyes as Nanami started walking the opposite way. You took a deep breath, taking out a cigarette as something fell on the ground. A small piece of paper was on the ground before you, as you picked it up, opening it.

"I love you, come with me princess. If you say yes, come to where we first met a month ago, on November 11th."

You couldn't believe your eyes, so Geto did, in fact leave you means to find him. He did actually want to be with you, he wanted to have a future. A silent tear of happiness fell down on the small piece of paper, your newfound treasure. You lit the cigarette in your mouth, as you smiled and held the paper close to your chest.

'So you do love me Suguru?' you thought to yourself, not knowing the trap you were set to walk in.

/A.N: Is the main character way to naive? What do you think? Honestly I  haven't written in a long while (life happens) and after re-reading this already written chapter, I can see how naive and "stupid" the main ch. is, but what do you think? I want to know ur answers! Have a great day!/

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