"Unbelievable..." He breathes out, swept up within his impressionable wonder. 

"New up here? Quite a sight, isn't it?" It's none other than Hal Jordan himself who verbally pulls Connor out of his idle state of staring, as he comes to stand beside the young man. Grinning as he takes a moment to drink in the all too familiar vast body of space. The Kryptonian's own focus shifting toward the Justice Leaguer.

"Hal Jordan of the Green Lantern Corp." The clone states softly, robotic-like in tone. The recognition brings a smug look to the fairly taller male's already upbeat expression.

"The one and only, Kid! You a fan? I've got some time on my hands to give ya an autograph if you'd like." Hal offers, oblivious to whom he was talking to. And that cruelness fades the moment the young man turns to face him entirely, revealing that sorrowfully familiar 'S' shield he was wearing. Hal couldn't help but to stare in disbelief.

"No. I am merely aware of you and your history with the Justice League. Excuse me, but I need to go. Time is rather short." Connor answers simply before casually making his departure to follow the guidance of the radar in his possession. However, Hal was quick to intercept him after just a few steps. Floating ahead to cut the clone off.

"Woah-woah-woah! Who are you? I don't recall Superman having a kid."

"And I was given no knowledge of such a thing, either. Now excuse me." Is the clones aloof reply before he attempts to tread around the Green Lantern to continue on. Yet again, he's cut-off. A green construct of a gate takes form before him. Something that warrants an annoyed look as he looks over a shoulder at the Lantern.

"If you're not Superman's son, then I'd like to know something about you. Give me deets. Are you a relative? His brother? Cousin? Clone?" Hal presses.


"Yes...? Yes to which?" Hal quirks a brow.

"I'm his clone and replacement. Now if you don't mind–" The Kryptonian trails off before throwing an imposing punch that shatters the construct like glass. The process repeats an additional time, escalating even more.

"Okay, we'll do this the hard way, then." Hal lifts his ring-bearing hand and uses his opposite to brace his forearm. Straight from his finger, meters of chains discharge and coil around the Kryptonian like a snake. Embrace him from shoulders to ankles in neon emerald. This time, he was focusing.

"Tch! You're wasting my time, Green Lantern. I came here to take care of a problem, not for pointless confrontation!" Connor barks as he struggles. Hal can feel it. The clone's inhuman strength straining his grip, thus he fortifies it. Squeezing harder as he grits his pearly whites.

"NNNGH! Yeah, you're definitely a knock-off that comes pretty close! But be reasonable here! You come into the Watchtower undetected, wearing Superman's S, and didn't once think someone here would stop and question you? Tell me why you're here!"

"To save the world and exterminate a threat. Now release me!" Connor demands.

"Fat chance, clone boy. Not until you settle down." Hal retorts. It's then that the kryptonian's patience comes to an end. Also when a third individual arrives.

"Hey, what's going on here?" Barry Allen questions as he comes skidding to a halt beside Hal.

"This guy is–" Before the lantern could finish that thought, the clone flexes with all his anger and might, snarling as he completely breaks the chains clinging around his body in an instant. The force sends fragments of green flying whichway. Causing cracks to form in the long stretch of glass, as well. While the two leaguers shield themselves, the clone takes off with a burst of speed. During, emergency shieldings lower to cover and potentially replace the damaged window.

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