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Alessio pov~

I watched her wander toward the ocean, watched her experience the feel of the sand for the first time. Ayla's steps were almost feather light, as if she was
floating toward peacefulness. As she grew closer and the water rushed around
her feet, l saw her shoulders relax further, and she tilted her head toward the sky.

I've been to many places with beaches but never cared about it. Never thought ot taking the time to feel the sand or the ocean. But watching Ayla experience this, it showed me that sometimes we needed to be grateful for what we have.

And I was grateful for her. My Angel.
Rolling my slacks up above my ankles, I walked over to Ayla. When I was
close behind her, my arms instinctively went around her waist, pulling her small
body to mine until her back was pressed against my front. She rested a hand over me

As the tides crashed gently around us, I could only think of one thing I was never letting her go. Now that I had had the taste or true happiness, I didn't think I could live without Ayla. She was everything and more.

Placing a kiss next to her ear, I let my lips Iinger there. Ayla sighed and then
turned around in my arms. Her hands went to my waist, and she tilted her head

Ayla beamed up at me, her smile so big, her green eyes lighting up...actually her whole face lighting up. It was enough to make me catch my breath as I stared
back in awe at her beauty.

Thank you for bringing me here," she said, her eyes trained on mine.

Do you like it here? I asked, my fingers brushing against her cheek lightly.

Yes. And you still have to show me the house, she murmured. Leaning torwards me she placed a kiss in the middle of my chest and then laid her head there.

Seconds turned into minutes, and I had no desire to move.

Finally, I gently pulled away. "Let's go. I'll show you around the house. And then I have to take care of some business.

"Okay!" She stepped back and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward the house excitedly. We walked up to the porch that overlooked the ocean, but instead of going inside, I froze on the steps.

"Right. I need to do something first," I muttered, looking down at Ayla's
confused face. Without giving her a chance, I bent down and swept her off her feet, cradling her to my chest.

Woah. What are you doing? Her arms went around my neck, but I just smiled, walking inside the house With her in my arms.

Carrying you over the threshold," I announced, almost too proudly. Thank
fuck the guys weren't present or I would never hear the end of this.


"Maddie said I had to do it. Don't know why. She said it's important." I rolled my eyes, remembering her order and murderous intent if I didn't do as I was

"That's weird."

I agreed. I didn't know why we had to do this either, although I wasn't complaining. I would carry Ayla anywhere, and having her un my ams was enough to make me a happy man.

Damn, I really was pussy whipped.

Putting Ayla back down, we walked around the house, showing her
everywhere. Ayla loved it. If I wasn't mistaken, she loved it more than the estate. It was a simple beach house.

Our final stop was our bedroom. Ayla pushed open the door and gasped
"Wow I can see the beach from here. She ran toward the balcony and laughed.

"Alessio, this....she was lost for words

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