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"Are you serious? Maddie growled as she walked into her room, slamming the door behind her. My head snapped up at her tone, and I placed my book down, giving her a questioning look.

"Huh?" I asked.

Three fucking days. No, scratch that-five days, Ayla! How long is this going to last? she glared at me. I knew exactly what she was talking about, and as she voiced out her frustration, I looked down guiltily.

I don't know what to do with you, and it can't go on like this any you more, she cried, her unconcealed impanence evident in her tone and expression.

Sighing.I nodded my head. "I know
But she interrupted me, not giving me chance to talk.

"Alessio is practically going insane. He isn't eating and barely even sleeping. Have you seen him? He looks horrible! And let's not forget the anger. Oh God, I'm shuddering with just the thought of it. He's snapping at everyone and is threatening to shoot people

I'm going to admit this only once, but even I am scared or him rignt now. She paused and sucked in a quick breatn berore continuing with her words

I have never seen him like this. He's like this dragon breathing fire, and everyone is scared of going close to him. Every single member of his household Is keeping their distance from him, even VIktor and Nkolay. And Mom, too.

We are so done with this shit and want it fixed, right now! And only you can fix
this," Maddie snapped, stabbing a finger at me.

In the last three days, the only time I saw him was at night when I would play the piano. But that was it. After playing. I would get up and walk away.

lt was torturous and left a deep ache inside of me. Even worse, I knew it was
hurting Alessio too.

Maddie was right. I had kept this on for too long. The problem was that I had
already forgiven him, but Just didn't know how to say it. Or maybe I didnt
have the courage to say it.

Either way, now everything is rested on my shoulders, and I had to ask tor his forgiveness too. Before I could open my mouth to say something, Maddie kept going as she crossed her arms over her chest, trying to look very intimidating. But with the way her glare was centered on me, she didn't have to try too hard.

She was frightening when she was angry. You're hurting yourself too, Ayla. This is hurting both of you. You aren't
eating properly either, and I can see you lack sleep. Those dark circles don't look
pretty on you. Can you please, for everyone's sake, let him off the hook and just let the poor man explain

Yup. She was definitely scary.

Crossing my arms over my chest too, I leveled her with a look. "I know."

Maddie scoffed, but then her expression softened. "I know he hurt you.

Shaking her head, she mumbled something under her breath before speaking loudly. "And that's why you need to let him explain so you both can figure this out together. You need each other. I also know that you have forgiven him already but are too scared to say it. Just let him fucking explain!

Whose side are you on, anyway? I fired back.

Maddie paused, her mouth opened, but then she closed it again. She huffed
and twisted her lips in a pout. "Aylessio's side.

Aylessio? What?

She stared at me expectantly, wiggling her eyebrows teasingly.

Ayla and Alessio. Aylessio. Her ship name for us.

I let out a laugh when realization dawned to me. She really wasn't giving up.

"Don't laugh. This ship is not sinking. you hear me? It has sailed and will keep sailing! It's not sinking under my watch." She narrowed her eyes at me

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