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Alya's pov~

I could barely keep my eyes open. Alessio laughed betore placing a kiss on
my neck, where his face was currentuy bured.

"Are you sore?


"Good. Alessio pulled away and fell on his stomach beside me, presenting
me with his back. I rolled onto my side to face him.

Alessio smiled almost sleepily, his eyes drawm to my neck. He reached forward and gently caressed a inger down the Skin. "I marked you, he whispered, looking extremely proud ot himselr. His eyes shone with a possessive glint.

Shaking my head, I smiled. I had never seen Alessio lose control like that. For
the first time, I'd seen the extent of his possessiveness. I should have been
Scared, but I wasn't. Instead, I felt wanted and desired. And lastly, I felt loved.

I scooted closer to Alessio lying my head in his arms, I sighed dreamily. I knew he would never hurt me. Alessio would only ever make me happy

My hand moved to his back, and my fingers traced the bird tattoo that covered halt or his back and around his shoulder blades. The bird looked like it
was rising from fire, but the design was beautifully executed. Every time I looked at it, I was completely mesmerized.

Alessio's muscles flexed under my wandering and exploring touch. "What
type of bird is this?" I asked curiously, my fingers tracing his spread wings.

"It's a Phoenix," he muttered in reply. "I got it the day I took over as Boss.

"Oh" My fingers continued to touch the bird as I asked my next question. "Is
that fire it's rising from?

I felt him nodding. "Fire and ash."

"Ash? I questioned.

"When I took over, the Families were almost destroyed. After my mother's
death, Lyov completely lost it. He was drunk all the time and barely took care of
the Familes. we were almost ruined and were so close to losing everything. He

He couldn't continue. He wasn't strong enough. When I turned nineteen, he handed the title over to me, and I became the Boss, Alessio explained. At the mention of his mother's death and father's name, my wandering hand froze and the air left my body.

Alessio didn't seem to notice at first as he continued with his tale. "The ash
represents the Families when took over. Everything and everyone was destroyed. We lost so much, and I had to start over, building our empire again.

I had built a stronger and bigger Army, my empire from the ash. Sometimes I forgot who he was. He controlled and ruled New York City and every other part that belonged to him with an iron fist. He was a Boss. One of the most powerful. Even more than the Italians. "The Phoenix is you," I choked on my words.

I felt his nod again. "Why did you stop touching me?" he asked, flexing his
muscles as if demanding my touch.

"Sorry," I mumbled and continued with my gentle caress, even though I was
shaking with sudden dread. "What about the fire?

The fire is what I own now.I rise above everything and everyone. I'm the master, the judge, the jury, and the executioner. Everyone else bows in front of me." His voice was strong and filled with power.

Swallowing hard against my nervousness, I closed my eyes. How was I going to tell him my truth? I trusted him, yet n many ways, I stuill feared him..his reaction.

"You stopped again.

My eyes opened again, and I mumbled another quick apology. As my hand
moved to back, I heard Alessio sigh in relief and contentment. "I love your
hands on me." He admitted softly.

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