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Alya's pov~

My legs bounced up and down almost frantically. In their nervous movement,
a random hythm was found. It matched the beating of my pounding and wildly
racing heart .

If the bouncing of my knees were not enough to show my anxiety, then my
hands showed it clearly. My trembling hands rested on my lap, my fingers
clenching tight, and then unclenching around the fabric of my dress.

It wasn't a surprise that I was slowly going crazy with tension.
After all, I was sitting at the piano, waiting for Alessio to make appearancce.

It had been two nights since I last played the piano. The last two nights, it was Alessio hoping that I would come to the piano room and play for him. And now,
it was me waiting for him.

Was he going to come? Or was he angry at me? Was he going to make me wait, like l did to him?

With each passing second, I was growing more alarmed at the thought that

Alessio isn't going to come?

What was he doing right now?

Did he receive my note?

The flower?

Did he smile while reading it? Was he happy about them ?

Or did he ignore them?

My lips turned down in a frown at the thought of him refusing my gifts. But
then I shook my head. "Stop it, Ayla," I muttered.

As soon as the words were out of my mouth, I heard a sound at the door, and
my head snapped toward it.

There he was. Alessio.

He was standing tall, his hands resting on the door as he struggled with his
breathing lt appeared as it he had run all the way here. There were beads of
sweat on his forehead, a few strands of hair on his skin as his eyes fixed on mine. His breathing was almost frantic, his eyes presenting a wild look as he walked further inside.

I saw him swallow nervously several times, his throat bobbing up and down
with the movement. Alessio walked to his sofa chair, which was directly in front
of the piano.

Taking a seat in his usual spot, he extended his legs forward in the exact same position he would take every single night while l played the piano.

We didn't say anything There was only silence.

But the silence between us was enough. It was always enough. We only needed each other's presence, our eyes on each other. Words were never needed to express what we were feeling.

So l kept my eyes on him, and he did the same.

Blue to green.

Taking another deep breath, I tried to relax my tense shoulders, and I placed
my trembling hands on the plano keys. My touch was light, barely even touching. My fingers softly moved over the keys, and my mouth curved up in a
small smile. missed this.

Not just the piano, but this moment between just Alessio and I.

I missed him. His presence, his smile, his twinkling bluish steel-colored eyes.

I missed everything about us.

I played.

While we never took our eyes off each other, I played to him like I did every night. I played for us.

The music flowed, cocooning us in sort of peace we needed

Something I had learned while I was trying to escape the darkness that Alberto out me into

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