"You calm me, Ayla. You calm the tire raging inside of me,"he confessed.

I placed a kiss on his shoulder as my fingers started to trace the chain tattoo
on his arm. It started from his neck and curved around the Phoenix before continuing down the length of his arm, stopping right above his elbow

What about this one? What does it mean? I asked, soothing my hand over
the heavy, black chains.

Alessio froze underneath my touch.

I froze too. I started to divert the conversation when he answered, his voice low and deep.

"I am chained to my past"

I sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I didn't like where this conversation was going, but that didn t stop me. "What do you mean?

It represents my vengeance.

His words were a blow to my chest, and I felt a crack in my heart. It was almost as painful as the thought of losing everything I had just tound. I looked at
the chain that marked Alessio's body, and tears filled my eyes, but I quickly
blinked them away.

"Every time I catch a glimpse of it in the mirror, it serves as a reminder. It is a
reminder that I need to take my revenge against the ltalians. Every time I look at
the chain, It fuels my anger and hatred.

Oh, his voice, it was filled with so much loathing and disgust. His words were
laced with years ot ury. His body was tense, muscles cOiled ight as his words
filled the room, his confession weighing heavily around us.

He hated the ltalians-the Abandonatos so much that he had marked his body as a reminder.

"Every time I look at the chain, I see my mother's lifeless eyes, her blood around me. AlessioS voice broke over the last few words, but then I felt him taking a deep breath. He shuddered under my touch, and I pressed my lips together to stop an agonizing cry from escaping

"I'm consumed by it. It is what keeps me going, all these years and even now.

My need for revenge has kept me alive, " Alessio continued in the same tight

I was distraught at the thought of him being in pain for so long. I wished I
could take it all away, erase all his pain and the years of suffering.

I didn't dare lift my head from his arm. I kept my face hidden from Alessio as
I soothed him with my gentle touch.

"Alfredo is already dead. What will you do?

"Alberto is still alive. He is their so-called Boss. Alfredo may be dead, but that little fucker has taken over, and he needs to die. Alessio paused for a moment as my heart accelerated, sweat forming on my forehead in tension.

When he continued, I had to stop myself from moving away from him.

"Every single one or them. I will kill anyone who comes into my path. I will
slaughter until l'm their fucking Boss. I will not stop until I have them under my

Alessio laughed humorlessly, his body shaking under my hand. "That's the
ultimate payback. Making his empire, his army bow down to me, worshiping me
as their God."

I had seen sweet and gentle Alessio. I had seen angry Alessio. But this one..
the one who was filled with so much hatred and vengeance, that was the first
time I had seen or heard him speak.

And out of all the different shades of Alessio, this was the one who scared me
the most.

But even through my fear, I felt sudden relief. And safe in Alessio's arms.

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