The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

"Yes, please do." Regina nods, giving a kind smile. However, Robin is sure the girl missed it as she's soon scurrying down the hall towards where he assumes the kitchens are. Clearly unfazed by Leonora's jittery behaviour, Regina merely gives a gentle tug of his arm and proceeds to lead him through the stone walls, presumably in the direction of the solarium.

After taking a few more twists and turns, Robin finds himself standing in front of a pair of intricately carved wooden doors before swinging open when Regina gives a graceful flick of her wrist. The room within is nothing short of magnificent with several tall windows that threaten to touch the vaulted ceiling, its ornate grooves and intricate etchings illuminated in the morning light. A graceful round dining table is neatly situated atop a clearly expensive rug in the centre of the room. And off to the corner furthest from the windows sit a pair of comfortable-looking armchairs in front of a currently empty fireplace, creating what Robin can only describe as a cosy little nook.

"I rarely ever came here," Regina murmurs from her place beside Robin, breaking the comfortable silence between them, "and whenever someone asked me if I would prefer to take my morning meal here, I'd deliver the same excuse every time."

Turning his blue-eyed gaze only to be met with hers, the thief gently asks, "And what excuse might that have been, milady?"

"That I didn't see the point in breaking my morning fast in a room where the sun shone far too brightly." Regina playfully replies before she's turning to walk further within the room as she adds, "Though deep down I suppose I didn't want to appreciate how beautifully this room lit up, especially after I thought to have lost everything." Wanting to offer some form of comfort, Robin walks up to her, however before he can do anything, Regina turns back to face him with a brilliant smile. "But, that's no longer the case, because now, I have you."

Giving a nod of his head, the thief returns her smile, its brilliance far too contagious to do otherwise. "That you do, milady," he agrees, moving forward and placing a hand to her waist whilst the other comes to rest against her cheek, "And I plan to be here for as long as you'll let me."

Briefly closing her eyes, Regina leans into his touch before her brown orbs lock onto his blue ones. "Good. Because I'm planning on you sticking around for a while."

Unable to help it, Robin chuckles at her words as he leans forward to tenderly press his lips against hers in a soft and sweet kiss. "I love you." he murmurs into the space between them, pulling to gaze into the alluring depths of her shining whiskey-coloured orbs.

"I love you too, so much." Regina replies, gently nuzzling her nose against his.

Just as Robin tightens his hold around the woman in his arms, the doors burst open. Turning, the outlaw looks on as several housemaids march into the room, their arms cradling trays of food and every piece of cutlery Robin could possibly think of. Seemingly unfazed by the sudden lack of privacy, Regina merely turns within his arms to watch the maids set the room's small table with a surprising amount of speed.

Upon finishing, the maids turn to face the couple's direction as one, before bobbing a curtsey and proceeding to race out of the room. However, just as the maids reach the threshold, Regina calls out, "Leonora!"

The maid – Robin now recognises from earlier – comes to a halt, briskly turning around and meeting Regina with a tentative gaze, "Will there be anything else, your majesty?"

"Yes, could you please send for my father?" the brown-eyed woman asks in a gentle tone, "I doubt he'd think that breakfast will be served in the morning room."

"Of course, your majesty," Leonora replies with another curtsey, "I shall send for him straight away."

Once again giving the girl a soft smile, Regina says, "Thank you."

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