Chapter 20 - Taking back control

Start from the beginning

"Is she German?" I ask not to look like a complete moron.

"No, she's Swedish actually. But Nazi-Germany loved her."

"So, she's a Nazi?!"

"No, Luke. She was a pop-singer and an actress. She sings about losing her lover, just like everybody else still do."

"Yeah, her Nazi-lover," I murmur. Hadrien chuckles.


At the dorm he lets me lead the way. As I knock at Nancy's door I hear voices, and I'm kinda happy that Hadrien is with me. I don't feel too comfortable around Angie, and I do need to be alone with Nancy.

"You bought her a rose?" Hadrien whispers. "Good move. I should have brought Angie something too."

I'm about to answer him when Nancy opens the door. Seeing her brings an automatic smile to my face. I don't even notice if anyone else is in the room.

"What are you doing here?" she asks. She doesn't exactly sound mad at me, but she's not thrilled to see me either. I hand her the rose. She takes it, and she obviously tries not to look at it or react to me bringing her flowers.

"I want to talk to you," I tell her, but instantly correct myself. "No, I need to talk to you. Come on Nancy, please talk to me." I add the last plea, because she looks like she's about to slam the door in my face. We look at each other for a second, before she throws the rose inside the room like she couldn't care less about it. Or me. Ouch! This is gonna hurt.

"Okay, but only for a minute," she says and takes a step towards me gesturing that we have to talk in the hallway. We take a few steps away from her room, leaving it up to Hadrien to kidnap Angie.

"You look great," I tell Nancy. I mean, she looks tired but hell if I'm gonna tell her that. But she looks better than the last time I saw her. Last time she looked distressed with red eyes and a sad face. Don't get me wrong, she still looked, and looks beautiful, but it's like something has left her. She has lost some of her warmth and sweetness. I know that's my doing, and I really don't like that. All of the things I wanted to talk to her about go out the window. Now I just wanna make her smile.

"Okay. What did you wanna tell me?" She looks impatient, and I've never seen her so cold before. It kinda throws me off my game for a second.

"I wanted to tell you how sorry I am, and I wanna make it up to you."

"I'm sorry too." She looks at the floor for a while, before her big blue eyes meet mine. "Listen, I really don't wanna talk about this. Can we just forget it?"

Wait, was it that easy?! I smile at her, and I'm about to pull her in for a hug when I see someone coming towards us.


"Hey man! Hi Nancy, is Angie in?"

"Eh, yeah..."

We both look at Nate. His eyes are red, and he looks desperate for an escape. I guess it didn't go as planned with Charlotte earlier. Nate stands in the doorway with Hadrien for a moment, but then they both turn around and come towards us.

"We're going to Moments," Hadrien declares, speaking through his teeth.

"Okay," I say and reach for Nancy's hand.

"I really should be getting back to the girls," Nancy says as she shies away from me.

"No, let's... let's hang out. Let's talk. I missed talking to you." God, I wanna grab her and lift her up and kiss her. I want to feel her legs around my waist and hear her giggle as I grab her beautiful ass.

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