" oh nothing like that, I talked to Hobi Hyung he introduced me to his friends and we had a good time. Then... it's just...I don't know but I am not a party person. If I say people won't believe me "

" It's okay, I believe you. I and seokjin am also not so party person, it's Hoseok we just won't say no to him. I can say Jin might be sulking somewhere sitting on the couch with alcohol in his hand as Hoseok might be busy jamming the stage.

" Oh, don't worry he got the best company. He is doing fine, I saw him. "

" Taehyung?? "

" oh yeah"

" God, at least tonight Seokjin should ask him out already. You know he has a long-time crush on Taehyung. Tae is also a sweet guy. Seokjin's type. Hoseok was teasing Jin to get laid down tonight otherwise he would lock Taehyung and Seokjin in the same room in the most dramatic way. "

" Hmm..."

" why don't you come inside, it's time others will leave. It will be only some of our close friends we will talk and play a little. It will be fun. And Seokjin might sing if he got drunk."

" Ahh....okay "

Then Jungkook and Jimin walked inside the party room while saying goodbye to Jimin's friends.

" look at him, he is drunk "

As Jimin told Seokjin looked a little drunk but not like yesterday. He is not leaning on Taehyung as he did to him. He is not clinging to him either there is a visible distance between them. Seokjin tries not to be too loud as he speaks, controlling his hand's abnormal movements, and maintaining a thin smile on his face. For Jungkook seokjin looked more conscious than drunk. Because the drunken seokjin is different.

All of them settled on the stools, Now Jungkook members the name well. Namjoon guy sitting beside Hoseok who is an underground rapper and university student majoring in music. Taehyung, Seokjin's long-time CRUSH, a university student, and a hard worker, has a boxy smile which is Seokjin's favorite. And beside Jimin, there are Bambam, Mark, and Sangwoon some of Jimin's Friends.

He settled beside Seokjin as it was near to him. Seokjin looked at him as if he saw an animal in the zoo. Too puzzled? Surprised?

" You...why did you sit here? "

Seokjin leaned toward him whispering and looking at others who were settling on the chairs.

" what's wrong with that??"

" You should sit beside Jimin "

Seokjin blinked at him with a pout on his face he looked a little too adorable for this adult party.

"SeokJin, do you want something?"

The voice came from beside Seokjin making him turn to the source.

Of course, it had to be Taehyung.

" No..thank you, Tae "

" How could your tone change in seconds?"

Jungkook whispered in Seokjin's ears while adjusting in his seat. Seokjin jumped a little. Soon he composed himself.

" What do you mean?"

" Nothing "

" Okay guys, thank you all for coming to my party tonight. And well it's just a pre-birthday party so you all can look forward to my actual birthday party. It's going to be a bang. And Jimin and Seokjin if you both don't bring my gift you both are not allowed to my party and as you all know I won't accept gifts from others as I will be happy with your presence only.

And you all met Jungkook already, as you all know Jungkook and Jimin going to get engaged soon, so I hope we all get along well. Jungkookie thank you so much for coming "

" It's my pleasure Hyung"

" See, your tone also changes "

Seokjin mumbled and Jungkook's lips curled up. He ignored him making Seokjin pout.

" Okay, guys let's have fun. What do you guys want to play truth or dare? Turn the bottle?"

" Turn the bottle will be fun "

" Okay, first I will turn the bottle as I am birthday boy "

" Your birthday is on next weekend "

" Still it's near,seokjin"

Seokjin rolled his eyes and soon composed as Taehyung laughed.

" Okay, ....hmm...turn....okay....okay... I think it's going to stop at Taehyung or Seokjin"

Seokjin prayed it should be not him at any cost. And thank God it stopped near Taehyung. He let out a breath but soon he got curious about what Taehyung might get to do. How Taehyung will do it? Because Taehyung doesn't like alcohol, if he gets to take a shot, seokjin will take it in a filmy way.

His eyes fixed on Taehyung, he looked a little shy yet confident. He is just so perfect.

" Hmmm...."

" Do you have a crush on Seokjin?"

Seokjin's eyes got wide and his soul left his body as he looked at the person who questioned Taehyung.

Seducing Mr. JEON [ Jinkook] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now