" Where is soojoo?"

" Why??"

" I mean, why is Jisoo alone??? Aren't they are together this morning???" Jennie whisper.

" I hear they fought before they got on a bus and Soojoo just dash off" Irene whisper back.

Jennie brows increased as she lean back on her seat.

No wonder, she look sad and frustrated.


Soon enough the weekends were over and it was back to school the next day. School has been pretty smooth sailing until one cool spring day Jennie woke up earlier today and quickly got ready until she for some reason received a call from sana.

" Whattt?" She spat.

" Couldn't you say something nice in the morning?" Sana whine over the phone.

Jennie roll her eyes.

" Just say it. I don't wanna be late for class"

" Good!! Because I will be late for class today"

" So jen, can you drop by to my locker and get a biology book for me??? Mrs. Kim is so scary. I can't afford kneeing outside the class room with my arms up in the air Just because I forget to bring her book" Sana begs.

" Okay I will. Bye" Jennie hung up and picking up her bag, processed to start her new day in ease now.

Jennie arrived at school after 15 minutes of walking, she look at the watch and it show that she still has a plenty of time until class start. So it is the peak of getting up early. She doesn't need to run to catch a bus because she slept in late.

A blonde then remembered that she has to fetch sana book from her locker, open it up then she easily spot a biology book of sana who has a dick sticker on it. She mentally facepalm herself. She curse sana in her head for making her carrying such an inappropriate book like this.

Don't want people to give her a weird eyes, jennie decide to take a short cut behind the buildings. She was whistling and jump lightly as she walk but then she hear a sound of people arguing nearby the old warehouse.

Jennie walk silently try to see a situation and hide behind the door and peek her eyes to the average level just enough for her to see it clearly. She only saw the back of the other girl when another person standing in front of a latter start yelling.


" You were the one that tell me to do that, why am I at fault???"

Jennie hear the other girl scoff.

" You are catching a feeling for her right???

" No"

" But why you staying still when she sleep on your arms???"

" So do you want me to drop her????" Another girl who has a back to Jennie, slightly raised her voice.

" Yes drop her"

" Or are you cheating on me???"

" You sound so cheap right now Soojoo"

Jisoo said and Soojoo slap her across the face, making a brunette tilted her head, and she walk away.

Jennie gasp when she realized that it was Jisoo and Soojoo fighting. She saw Soojoo walking away and Jisoo just standing there, tighten her fist. It's not because of her drunk self that night right??? Jennie wanted to hug an older girl but she didn't want Jisoo to feel embarrassed about this. As she step back trying to walk away, her elbow come to touch with the mental pole and causing it make a loud noise.

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