Chapter one

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" KIM JISOO......."


A scream and squealed echo inside the campus through all the hallway as a group of basketball players walking inside.

" I can't believe I couldn't hear a single scream for my name" Lisa wipe her invisible tears as she tighten her grips on her shoulder bag.

" Lol that's might be because your certain fangirl is not here yet" seulgi nudge on her shoulder.

" Owwww hurry guys. My eardrums is going to burst soon" Jisoo said with a frown as she put her AirPod on.

Lisa and seulgi roll their eyes, following her friend.

" By the way, what do you think about today game??" Seulgi cross her arm over jisoo's shoulder.

" What do you think? Ofc we will win" Jisoo shrugged.

" Arrogant asshole" Lisa scrunch her nose.

They finally go pass the crowds and now inside their locker room. Jisoo huff a sighs when she open her locker, it flow with a love letter, stuff toys and even a flower, she puffy her cheeks before rubbing her forehead to ease the headache.

" That is a whole kid garden there Jisoo" Lisa tease.

" Don't bark at me"

Jisoo shove everything in the plastic bag before put it beside a trash bin. She sure grateful for all the love and support she received but this is really out of boundaries. She would be more appreciated if they stop invading her privacy.

" Guys you noticed cheerleaders at our last game??" Seulgi ask.

" Yes she super hot and thick, and I saw she gave me a flirty look a few times." Lisa said dreamy.

" Joke on you. She looked at Jisoo who was behind you" dahyun who is also their teammates spoke.

Seulgi has to roll down on the floor laughing due to dahyun remark.

" Yah! Why did you have to break my self-esteem"

" Come on let's go now. Coach is waiting" Jisoo said after finish her dressing.

They all walk into the court room, a scream start again and luckily that Jisoo has put an earplugs on or else she couldn't focus well. Jisoo walk up to the coach who has his back on her, beside him there's a man standing there with their uniform but Jisoo sure she never saw him in any training sessions before.

" Hello" Jisoo bows to the coach.

" Ohhh they are here" he turn his back to face them.

" How are you feeling guys??"

" Nervous as hell coach" dahyun said.

" Dahyun language " seulgi warn.

" opsss sorry"

" Hahah it's okay. Now guys I wanna introduce you to someone." He calls a man who was beside him a few minutes ago.

" This is Hanbin. Our new members. You probably think that he is not familiar before because he was at the other team. I am successfully scout him" Coach Park speak proudly.

" Why bother scouting another person when we have Jisoo already?!??" Lisa mumble.

Jisoo quickly elbow her friend to shut up. She doesn't want them to appear rude in front of their new members. Lisa really need to get her mouth check sometime.

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