Author's note

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Thank you for reading and please comment if you like it or improvements I need. I will respected it and yes I luv Neji Hyuga so Destiny will like him but Sasuke will take her from him. Yes this is a kinda Sasuke love story but I didn't put that because she doesn't show feeling for him but he does so I'm still making some thoughts about that.

Another thing can you please I mean please comment! I mean like anyone you can say "hi" for what I care I just need comments to know their is someone out there reading my books.

Like I said anime lover1234 is the whole reason I did this she was my inspiration to make this so if you ask.

Also Happy Valentines Day!!!!

See ya! Love ya! @StepenHyuga pieces xoxoxo <3 lol bye!!!!! Hasta luego!!!

My Destiny: The Story of Destiny Iras (naruto fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora