Filler Please!

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HIYA guys i hope you enjoy this filler!

"NO DONT SHOW IT!" Sasuke and Naruto yell.

"HEHEHHEHE" I yell tpying.

"GO STEPEN GO!!" Destiny yells

Weeks later...

After weeks of painful mission we got a good mission. We got a mission to get this statue. As we sat Sensei tells us about our mission. Also he tells us the plans.

"We are going to split up to two teams" Sensei said.

"Whatever" I said.

Then he said that me and him are teams and the others are teams till Naruto gets Sasuke started. Then he said that Naruto should go with us. Then Sakura daydreams about how Sasuke want her to he's self.

"Baka" I sighed.

Then Naruto gets mad and the rivals starts again. Sasuke says Naruto has no skill and Sakura laughs or something. And starts going fan girl on Sasuke. Then Sensei hits his bamboo stick on the ground and I jump as they get electrocuted.

"Thank you Sensei they were being annoying" I said looking at Sasuke frowning.

"What?" He said looking at me as he frowns.

Then Sensei tells them to pay attention as I laugh. Then he tells our stations. Then it gets serious and we focus. And he tells us the sign to watch.

We see them and we watch. As he scolds the man and horse. Then Naruto gets a look on his face imagining me and Sakura liking him for getting the treasure. Then Sasuke thinking the same thing but Sakura wasn't there.

"Eww" I say as I imagine me doing that to Sasuke.

Then they do the stupid rival thing and charge. Bakas why can't they stand still man they never listen. Then they attack.

"No!" I said watching them.

As they fall down the hill and hitting a tree I jump down to see if there ok. As they still fall. Then Sakura tries to notify Sensei they spot it catching the bolt before it explodes. As he shoots to get the treasure he gets them.

As I go for the treasure Sasuke goes for it to making me fall down the hill and him. Then I grab it then I fall down a gap in the hill.

"Damn!" I yell falling.

As we get to the shore I notice that the notifier didn't go.

"They got Sakura" I said.

Then as Naruto runs they seem stuck together then I laugh. As they try to separate I laugh watching them. Then they try to jump down a waterfall I watch. Then they kiss.

"Omg" I say watching them.

"Why is it always with you!" Sasuke yells.

"That's my line!" Naruto yells as I die in laughter.

"What's so funny" they ask.

"Oh just to guys kissing" I laugh

"It isn't funny if it was you!" Naruto yells

"Yeah but I think you will like if it was me wouldn't you" I teased.

"No..." Sasuke said while blushing

"....." Naruto being silent while his face was red.

"Haha boys are so easy even you Sasuke" I said while Sasuke blushed more.

As I stand up Naruto starts to think about Sakura and stands. As. Naruto runs dragging Sasuke yelling Sakura.

"Wait you fool" Sasuke yells tripping him to a weird stance.

"What the hell are you doing" Naruto yells.

Then they yell then Naruto yells at Sasuke for not caring. Then he was about to break the statue.

"Stop!" I yell as he bang the statue on there trap. As he cuss Sasuke says that Naruto is the scum. Then Naruto has to pee.

"Oh no" I said

As he try to pee as Sasuke yells at him.

"Help Destiny" Sasuke yelled

"No! I'm not getting close to a boys wee" I said.

As they face this other guy as he take a leak. Is this boys take a leak day?

As we defeat him I drop him down a waterfall then catch him. I love torturing people.

When we finish Naruto says the words.

"I gotta pee" Naruto says then here's the weird part.

"Me too" Sasuke sighs as I gasped.

"Aahh" I yelled as they go toward me.

"What you need two" Naruto teased.

As I run freaking out they did their business. I'm was in the wrong place at the wrong time as I lean against a wall. I heard a horse it might be Sakura!

Then we get our plan ready. As they buff them into thinking there free I get Sakura. Then when I get them I let Sakura leave with the horse. They realize me then he sprays the goop on me and I get stick on Sakura as she rode away not noticing.

"Damn! Damn! DAMN!" I yelled.

After Naruto and Sasuke beat him...

Then when we came together I get free with Sakura.

"Wait get us free" They yelled as we argue because I didn't want to as Sensei smiled.

"Uh oh I think I need to go" Naruto said.

"Not again" Sasuke sighed.

"This time it's number two" Naruto said smiling.

"Don't you dare Naruto!" He yelled

"Come on we peed together" he said as Sakura look like what the fuck!

"This is different!" He yelled.

As they fight to keep Naruto pants up or down I cheer a Sakura up. As I talk to her I realize how me and Sakura have a good relationship. This was a fun adventure. Even we had a little weird in encounters.

See ya guys

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