Zabuza Returns! The death of a fellow swords men!

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As i wake up I see them around Sensei and I.

"He isn't dead" I sighed

As Sensei holds his eye. Sakura ask him why does he use his Sharigan. He explains why and for our safety. He explains what the trackers do and why. He asks about why he didn't finish him on the spot and the weapon he used.

"It's senden" I replied

" it's only a temporary death" I say.

"He still alive" I repeated.

"But we saw his body bevlieve it!" Naruto yells

"You checked him your self Kakashi-Sensei?!" Sakura saids confused.

"Let me explain" I sighed

As I explain senbons and how tracker can used him.

"Come on your over thinking this" the old man says.

Sensei agrees with me and I talk farther on. Then Naruto interrupts as he laughs weirdly.

"Naruto you happy?" I asked laughing.

"Guess you got another shot" I say challenging him.

"Believe it!" Naruto yells proud.

"So your talking about training how can you if you can't even move" Sakura ask

"Hahaha" Sensei chuckles

"Huh?" Sakura looks confused.

"I can still train you" Sensei replies.

"Hold on!" Sakura interrupts

"Last min training won't help" Sakura shouts

"Trying to get us killed! Cha!!!" inner Sakura said.

"Sakura why would was I abled to stop Zabuza" Sensei replied

"Cause we all help" I said now interested.

As he talked about how we grown. He said Naruto grew up the most. As he smiled it made me and Naruto smile.

"Now things are going to get better Believe it!" Naruto says cheerfully.

" I don't believe it and nothing is going to be going to be good good" Inari says interrupting.

"Who are you!!"Naruto said

"What do you want brat"" I hissed at Inari as he hugged he granddad and got scolded.

"These guys are going to die" Inari said.

Then Naruto talks about super ninjas and buffing and saying he going to be Hokeage.

"Theirs no such thing as heros" Inari said

"It's just full of stupid ideas" Inari hisses.

"What you say" Naruto said charging at him.

"If you want to stay alive you should go back where you came from"

As the little boy leaves I notice Sasuke staring at me with that serious face. Ugg what do girls see in him.

Then Sakura still holding Naruto. Then me and Naruto walks up the stair talking about the little kid. As we walk we notice something. He was crying out on his window saying.

"No daddy no" he cried

Then we start training. Then he asked us about charka. Then Me and Sakura explains more.

"Right on all points" Sensei says.

As we stop Naruto and Sasuke talk about jutsus and that they know that.

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