Seiichi looks down at (y/n), watching as the heat rise in her face. She was secreting a cold sweat, and her ears burnt red from the pain of the wound.

"Shit..." Seiichi whispers, knowing Akio was planning something.
"Shit, shit SHIT!" He yells, slamming his fist into the floor.

He couldn't slow his breath from the amount of anger that pulsed through his body. He knew Akio had her in his grasp already. It's only a matter of time that he comes for her.

"Seiichi?" Takibi says, standing at the front, his brows stitched in pain and his fingers fiddling with each other.

"Sorry Takibi... I didn't mean to worry you." Seiichi says, calming himself down.

"So (y/n), she's... she's not going to die is she?" Takibi says, stepping into the room.

Seiichi holds a finger up at him, but then clenches it into a fist. He wanted to yell at the absurd question he asked, but he knew Takibi was deeply worried about her, just as much as he was.

"N-no... she's not. Well... I don't know." He says through the frustration.
"Any word from Sukuna?" Seiichi says, distracting them both from the talk they were trailing towards.

Takibi silently shakes his head, as to say he hasn't returned to the mansion yet.

"Three cursed wombs and four cursed spirits, including myself have survived." Takibi says, reporting to Seiichi.
"That ambush from 3 days ago wiped out the last of us... unfortunately we don't have anything else to push them back with." Takibi drops his head, knowing they don't stand a chance against Akio and the Gojo's.

Eight long months of back to back fights with the sorcerers have slowly but surely dwindled their ranks. Only the strongest have survived and even now they tire from the battles.

"Seiichi?" Takibi says, waiting for an answer from him.

"Mm..." Seiichi mumbles, watching (y/n) struggle to sleep.

Their leader is missing, more then half of there remaining army has been wiped out from that ambush, and the only person who can order the curses and Seiichi back to their feet, is passed out and greatly injured.

Seiichi sighs, unsure of what to do. They were in a slump. It was only a matter of time the sorcerers and Akio find the rest of them, and claim (y/n).

Seiichi couldn't lead an army...He refused to. He wasn't a leader or much of a follower. His only purpose in life is to protect (y/n)... And that's all he cared about.

"Tell the others... to roam free. Their duties are over." Seiichi huffs a sigh, continuing to watch (y/n).

Takibi stares at Seiichi with wide eyes. He couldn't believe his ears. Hearing those words from Seiichi's lips was like telling him 'we lost the war.'

Takibi knew there was no hope in gaining the power they had eight to seven months ago, but hearing it from Seiichi was the endgame.

It was him waving that white flag with his tail between his legs, surrendering himself to the opposing team.

In a room full of silence, Takibi bows deeply at Seiichi. He deeply respected Seiichi, and his train of thought. With his help, their army got as far as it did. It was only right to respect his wishes.

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