Chapter 4: Platform Nine and Three Quarters

Start from the beginning

There was a loud crack and then the sound of explosions, and Ron let out a yelp of concern, springing out of his bed as it was engulfed in fireworks.

The twin were bent double in laughter as Ron looked around bewildered before his gaze landed on the twins, and his face started to turn red.

The twins got one more laugh out before they rushed down the stairs.

"You alright Ron?" I asked him, as I grabbed my trunk, dragging it out of our room.

He just grumbled in reply, quickly throwing things into his unpacked trunk. After dragging my trunk down the stairs, and a quick good morning to my family I rushed back up the stairs to help Ron finish packing.

"You really need to get on top of this stuff." I told Ron, as we hastily finished shoving stuff into his trunk. He just grunted in reply.


"Alright, is everybody ready?" Dad asked as we piled into the Ford Anglia. All the trunks had been loaded into the boot.

"I keep forgetting how large these muggle vehicles are." Percy said looking around him.

"All the ones I've ever been in weren't this big." I said, as images of cars flashed through my mind.

"What are you talking about (Y/n)?" Percy asked me looking puzzled. "What other cars have you been in?"

"Well... I-I don't know." I said, as just as soon as the images had appeared they were gone, and I was left questioning if I had ever even seen a car before.

"Well I'm sure glad this one is this big." Dad said from the front breaking the silence. "Or else we would all be able to fit in here."

"Are you okay (N/n)?" Ginny asked as she and mum got into the car. "You were making that awful hissing noise again last night."

"Yeah must've just been another bad dream." I told her, still trying to remember what it had been.


The ride to the train station was uneventful, and it wasn't long before we had loaded our trunks onto trolleys, making our way towards platform nine and ten.

"Come on then we're going to be late!" Mum urged us as he pushed pass muggles, who didn't pay any notice to them. "It's packed with Muggles, of course. I keep saying we need to leave earlier. Now what's the platform number?"

"Nine and three-quarters!" piped Ginny, who was clutching her hand. "Mum, can't I go..."

"You're not old enough, Ginny, now be quiet. All right, Percy, you go first."

Without a word Percy pushed his trolley so that he was aligned with the wall, before marching towards the barrier between platform nine and ten.

"Fred, you next,"

"I'm not Fred, I'm George," said Fred, causing me to smile. I always loved when they did this. "Honestly, woman, you call yourself our mother? Can't you tell I'm George?"

"Sorry, George, dear."

"Only joking, I am Fred," and off he went George calling after him to hurry up. Fred broke into a sprint, disappearing through the wall and onto platform nine and three quarters.

George rushed after him, and Ron moved into position, and was just about to start running before a boy interrupted us.

"Excuse me," the boy said. He had messy black hair that cover his forehead, with a pair of round glasses held together with sellotape. He wore extremely baggy looks clothes, and I assumed they must have been hand me downs, just like mine.

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