This is Getting Crazy!

Bắt đầu từ đầu

*This concept is without merit or scientific foundation. There is no logic to it.*

"Nope. Not one bit of logic is involved, Becky. Not one."

Humankind, you can be so stupid!

And it just so happened I had become involved with a group that believed in the "superiority of the white man" so strongly that they were seeking to cause a conflict that would result in the death of millions!

*You should report this to the authorities.*

OH, sure, and what do I tell them? "Yes, Hello? I would like to inform you of a possible plot to cause massive racial conflict in America. How do I know all of this? Well, a little electronic being who lives inside me helped me find out about it."

I would be locked inside a white, rubber-walled room so fast it would make my head spin!

*What does that believe they would think you insane.*


*I confess, when you put it that way, it does seem rather hard to believe.*

Gee, you think so?!

"You know what this means, Becky."

A sigh echoed in my head.

*I do.*

Back to work.

I did more searching, while Becky did more hacking. At first, I found nothing new; only mystery, hints, and possibilities. Apparently, The Manson's Children gang actually had a legitimate secret hideout! No one knew where they met, or where they lived. Members were only seen now and then, and usually only before an attack occurred. Other than that, no one had been able to find out where they came from, or where they went to when their actions were completed.

So, first things first; find their base of operations and see what was there.

But how to do that?

*I have the means to triangulate their location, if they have some form of communication that they use.*

Okay, but where might I find any communication by a white supremacy group that seemed to want to stay hidden, except when they wanted to be noticed?


What better place to spout off your message than social media! Youtube, Twitter, Snapchat, Steam, Discord, and so many other platforms out there could be used by anyone at any time to send out a message. Sure, most of them monitored against anything considered hate speech, but posts and videos still crept through. Though they were all eventually found, it took time and the more that were taken down, the more came up. If I were a white supremacy group seeking to spread my message, that would be the best place to go for it. 

So, now all I had to do was start searching.....

*I have it.*

Whoa! That was fast!

*I can process, quite literally, millions of videos in a matter of seconds, Jonathan. All I needed to know was what to look for.*

Did Becky sound smug? Yes, yes he did.

"Okay, so what did you find?"

*A video of, Cillian speaking about the inferiority of people of Arabic descent and how Americans must rise up and take back the country from them. He seems very....passionate....about this.*

I'm sure he did!

*Would you like to see the video?*

"No. Absolutely not. I don't need to hear his verbal diarrhea, thank you very much."

*I confess, his statements are quite offensive and illogical.*

No surprise there!

*However, it does provide me with the means to gain the coordinates of their location.*

Great! So, where were they?


OKay, but that is a pretty big state.

*I have their location.*

"How precise a location is it?"

*Within six inches.*

Yep, that is pretty precise!

And so it was, just a few hours later, that I was moving through the brush and woods of Alabama as quietly as I could. 

Thankfully, I was able to dress appropriately for the occasion; forest camouflage clothing, green-black, and brown face paint, combat boots, and a matching kerchief over my head. My equipment was classic Spec Ops in my kit, but with a twist. Where they were armed to kill, I was only looking to subdue. So, Becky and I had developed and constructed a rapid-fire tranquilizer machine pistol modeled on the Heckler and Koch Mp-5 and capable of being loaded by clips due to the small size of the darts it employed. As well, I had a shepherd's sling and hardened clay shot for it, and two tazer pistols, one at each hip. I did have a pair of knives with me, but did not want to use them unless I had to. 

The truth was, I was hoping to be in and out before they even knew I was there!

Why was I not using the suit?

Because I was still hoping to keep my connection to it, and the persona around it, separate.

I know,I know,  "Hey Jonathan, if you get caught, won't they kind of figure that out?"

Yep, they would! 

But I was hoping not to get caught!

Progress was slow, very slow, as I had to creep along inch by inch, checking the trees, the ground, and the bushes for cameras or sensors of any kind, before I moved on. So moving forward was being done by inches, not feet. And that meant I was moving so slow, a snail could have passed me by. 

Added to that, I was moving very low to the ground. Imagine doing a push-up, but you are holding that mid-point position between being all the way down and all the way up. Not fun right? You have no idea! Now, try moving like that, so all your weight is literally on your hands and the tips of your toes.

Can you say, "ow!"?

But that is how I had to move.  I was low to the ground so the brush would give me cover, and moving so slowly gave me time to check for security systems, and make it so the brush did not move much as I passed by. It was a tactic Becky taught me based on training videos he had found for Special Forces training. Boy, did my respect for those men and women go way up as I was doing this!

The sun was setting as I crept along, making it more difficult to see as I moved through deepening shadow. However, my augmented eyesight did give me good night vision, which helped greatly.

I was looking for a cave, a hidden one, that Becky said should be in the area. According to what he had discovered, I should come across a path that would lead to a cave entrance hidden by a rock outcropping. That was the entrance to the Manson's Children location. 

Just as the sun passed below the horizon, as night came on fully, I put my hand out and felt something fairly smooth and foliage free under my touch. I felt a thrill go through me as I did so.

I had found the path!

B.E.C.K.Y.: Am I A Superhero?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ