Chapter 9

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(In the boys' side)

Liam entered the house and kicked off his shoes. Louis didn't seem to be in the house. Zayn and Harry were watching T.V and in the dining room Niall was finishing of his fish. He looked at Liam guiltily. "Uhh sorry Liam, I finished your share too. I thought you were going out for lunch." "Nah I was at the girls' house." said Liam. "Oh, that explains why you ran away without even having your lunch." said Harry entering the dining room. "Did you talk to Mel?"

"Yeah. In fact she had invited me over. She had some bad news to share. She and her boyfriend had broken up with each other." said Liam. "Wow I didn't know she even had a boyfriend. That may be bad for her, but its good for you. She's officially single!" exclaimed Harry. "Harry!! They broke up because of the article. But not only because of the article because he had been cheating on her.But he was shameless enough to accuse her of cheating on him." said Liam. "Hmm. But anyway end result is, she's single. And we also need to out about the other girls' relationship statuses too." said Harry. "God help him." muttered Liam.

"So Liam, did Mel make anything for you?" asked Niall. "She didn't. But I had chicken paninis made by Katherine. They were really good. Mel said Kathy would love to make some for you." said Liam. "Oh boy that sounds good. I'm going over there right now." said Niall smacking his lips and getting up. "Oh no you're not, you can't show up there uninvited." said Liam. "But it so happens that you're the only one who was lucky enough to get invited to their house. And Kathy's food." said Niall fake pouting. "Stop that." said Liam. "If you want to go there so badly, and taste Kathy's food, call her up and ask." "That I will." said Niall leaving the room.

Niall dialed Kathy's number and waited for her to pick up. She picked up after 3 rings. "Hello?"

"Hey Kathy! Its me Niall."

"Oh hello Niall! How are you?"

"I'm good. How are you?"

"I'm fine. So what's up?"

"Oh well. I just heard from Liam that you make awesome paninis. I was just wondering if you would be kind enough to make some for me too."

Niall heard giggling on the other side.

"Oh I would love to. Why don't all of you boys come over to our house tonight for dinner. Specially prepared for you by Katherine Austin."

"Oh that's swell. Thank you so much Kathy! Love you! Muahh!!"

There was silence on the other side. Uh oh. Niall thought. He might have gone overboard.

"Um hello? Kathy?"

"Yeah I'm here. Just wondering how to respond to such a sweet 'thank you'."

"Ohhh. Well anyway I cant wait for tonight."

"Yeah me too. I'll talk to you later Niall. Bye."

"Bye, Kathy."

Niall hung up and he could feel his heart beat accelerated. Little did he know that the person who was on the other end of the line was also feeling the same way.

Niall joined the boys who were all now sitting in front of the T.V. He stood in front of them and did a little twirl. Zayn said "Niall move. You're blocking the view!!" "I am the view." stated Niall as-a-matter-of-factly. "Well anyway I just got Katherine to invite us over to the girls' house for dinner tonight. You can thank me later." said Niall bowing. "Seriously? You really asked her? Niall I was being sarcastic!" groaned Liam. "You can't just ask people to cook for you !!"

"But...but....Hmph. Nothing can be done now. We have got the invitation and we should honor it. Now excuse me I have to go and inform Mr.Louis Tomlinson about this." stated Niall and he left the room again. 

"Well I don't think we should get between him and food." said Zayn. "And Kathy." added Harry. They all laughed.

(In the girls' side) In the library: Kylie and Bessy

Kylie and Bessy were arranging the books on the shelves. They didn't have shifts on Sundays, but they always volunteered to do some extra help. The library wasn't too far away from their house. They could come just by walking. On their way to the library, they had come across two girls who came up to them and asked "Aren't you the two who were hanging out with 1D the other day? At Paultons? There were some other girls with you too right?"

Kylie and Bessy looked at each other. Kylie said "Uh yeah that was us. We're friends of the boys." "You guys are so lucky to be hanging out with 1D. Are any of you dating one of them?" one of the girls asked. "Oh no. Like she said, we're just their friends. Nothing more." said Bessy hurriedly. The girls 'aww'ed in unison and walked away. Remembering that Bessy looked at Kylie, in the library, and asked "Is it right to be hanging out with the boys?" 

Kylie looked surprised. "Why are you asking that?" "Its just that, we've been keeping our talents as a secret and not letting anyone know that we're the Mystery Girls, because we don't want the hassles and troubles of fame. But just being friends with superfamous people is making us famous too. Now its just random fans of the boys asking us stuff. What if the media starts following us too? And also what if more articles start coming up?" asked Bessy. Kylie looked at her hard. She thought for a while and said "The lads are really nice and fun. But I don't think we'll be hanging out with them anymore. I mean we're not even that close. We just met by chance at a restaurant." "Yeah." replied Bessy.

After 2 hours of stacking up books and arranging tables, Kylie and Bessy left for home. There was a small drizzle so they had their hoodies on. They stopped on their way at a store to pick up some snacks and then they again resumed their walk home. On reaching home, they saw Kathy going through some of her old cookbooks.

"Yo sis. You making something special tonight?" asked Kylie. "Yeah. I invited the boys over for dinner, and I don't want to serve just springrolls." Kylie and Bessy looked at each other and back at Kathy. "If that's okay with you guys." drawled Kathy taking in their worried expressions. "Why, what's wrong with having the boys over? In fact Liam was here late afternoon." said Mel. Kylie and Bessy's mouth opened with a small gasp. "He was here??" asked Bessy. "Yeeaahh. What's wrong with that?" asked Mel.

Kylie and Bessy walked over to the couch and took in long breaths, stared at each other and back at Kathy and Mel, all in unison. "Alright. We know that you both are twins, you don't have to keep proving that." said Kathy. Bessy huffed and then repeated what she had said to Kylie earlier,at the library. Then she asked "Is it alright to be with them so much? What if the media gets really nosey and they find out our secret?" "No that can't happen." said Mel shaking her head. "But we also can't be rude to the boys. How can we tell them the problem without telling them the whole 'Mystery Girls' thing? There is no way we're going to tell anyone, let alone the boys, about our secret. We'll just have to be subtle." said Kathy, shrugging her shoulders.

Then she got up and went in the kitchen to prepare her special dishes.

(A/N : 

Hey peeps!! Thanx again for reading!

This is just to inform you all that I'm not gonna be putting special titles for the chaps. I couldn't think of apt titles!! But if you guys would be sweet enough.........then the chapter......think of a good title......and leave your ideas in the comments box. I'll choose the best one and keep that as the title. I'll also add your names in the Titles Courtesy.

And one more thing............Don't forget to vote!!

Bye!! Muahh!!)

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