A little drama : continued

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(Mel's POV)

How dare they.

How dare they assume something like that and put it in the newspapers for everyone to see.


Looks like One Direction is one less on their number of single lads. Heartthrob Liam Payne seems to have given his heart to a new girl. The whole band was seen hanging out with 4 new girls and Eleanor Calder at an amusement park. But Liam and one particular girl were seen sitting separately away from the others. Even when they were mobbed by fans, Liam seemed particularly concerned about that one girl. Her name and whereabouts are still unknown.....

I screamed out loud. Kathy, Bess and Kyls came running to me asking what happened. Their mouths fell open as they read the article and saw the picture which was of me and Liam sitting outside the Haunted House. Bessy muttered "No way." Kylie just snickered. I was pretty pissed off. "What do these media people think of themselves? Its not like me and Liam were kissing or something. We were just sitting on a bench together!" Then a scary thought occurred to me. What if Aaron saw the article? It would take a hard time convincing him that it was not true. I'm going to be seeing him today after such a long time. I don't want to spend my time with him telling him that some stupid article was not true. I don't know what to do.....

(Liam's POV)


"No cursing." said Harry. "No cursing while I'm making my special pancakes. In fact no cursing at all."


"I said no cursing, Liam!!" shouted Harry.

"Shut up Harry. Look at this!" I shoved the newspaper in Harry's face. His eyes widened as he read the article. After a long time, he said "Cool."

I stared at him with my mouth open. We had a huge problem on our hands, and all that Harry could say was 'cool'?? I shook him by his shoulders and made him look at me. "Harry, we have huge problem here. Everybody's thinking that Mel and I are a couple!!"

Just then Niall and Zayn walked in. "Did I just hear you say that you and Mel are a couple? Cool bro!" said Zayn. "No this is totally uncool. Me and Mel are not a couple. But the media seems to think we are." I told him. "Not another rumour about us dating someone." Niall groaned. "Mel's going to feel so uncomfortable. I'm going to call her right away." I said and left the kitchen.

I called up the girls' home number. Kathy picked up.

"Hello. Austin residence."

"Umm..Hey its Liam."

"Oh yeah.Hey Liam. This is Kathy. I'm guessing you read the article?"

"Yeah I did. That's what I wanted to talk about. Is Mel there?"

"Uh no. She's out.....on a date."

I choked on my words. "Date?"

"Yeah. She has a boyfriend, Aaron."


"Uhh......yeah. I assume she didn't tell you that?"

"Uh no she didn't. But anyway......just tell her that I'm sorry about the article."

I didn't even wait for her reply. I just hung up and leaned against the wall. Melissa has a boyfriend.

(Narrator's POV)

Melissa and Aaron walked beside each other in silence on their way to Starbucks. It wasn't their usual romantic silence where they didn't need to tell anything to each other but just understood what was on the other's mind. But this silence was an awkward guilty silence where both of them were trying to GUESS what the other was thinking. They placed their orders and then made their way to an empty table by the window and kept their mobiles on the table and sat down. Mel sat nervously fiddling with her hands while Aaron stared at her. "So....you got yourself a new boyfriend while I was away?" Aaron asked her. Mel's eyes grew wide as she denied what he said. "No Aaron its nothing like that. We were just hanging out as a whole group and" "Cut it Melissa!" Aaron shouted. All eyes in the cafe turned towards them. "Just cut it. I never expected something like this from you. I'm away for a few weeks and you already find someone new. And I must say I'm shocked that a you got a celebrity."

Tears poured down Mel's cheeks. She tried reasoning with him. "Aaron please understand. I am not dating anyone other than you. That article is totally false. We were out as a whole group. Me and Liam were only waiting for the others to come. We weren't trying to be alone." "No Mel.....just....ughh!!" Aaron said and left the table. "Aaron please wait!" Mel pleaded. But Aaron was already halfway to the door.

Suddenly Aaron's phone, which he had forgotten on the table, started ringing. Mel picked it up and to her shock she saw that it was a call from 'Emma' and the contact icon was a pic of Aaron and a girl kissing. She almost dropped the phone but when she saw Aaron coming to get his phone back, she accepted the call and put the phone to her ear. She heard a female voice say "Hello?......Aaron?......Its me Emma......you there?" Aaron grabbed the phone from Mel's trembling hands and spoke into it "Hey I'll call you later. Bye." 

Aaron and Mel stared at each other. There was a resounding slap to be heard. Mel had dealt Aaron the hardest slap she had. "You shameless jerk!! How dare you accuse me of cheating when you yourself were cheating on me with some bitch!"

"Hey don't you dare call her that!" said Aaron. "Oh now you're defending her?" retorted Mel. "Yes I am defending her. Deal with it if you can." said Aaron. "You..you...hmph! We are done Aaron! Don't ever show me your face again!" shouted Mel. "Oh yes we are done. Goodbye Melissa." said Aaron as he walked out the cafe and out of Melissa's life.

Just then the waiter came with their orders. "Ma'am? Your coffee?" said the waiter. Mel looked at him, heaved a huge sigh and said, "Throw it down the sink."

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