Unexpected run-ins

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"Colin! I told you not to go inside my room. And Jack what are you doing on top of the kitchen counter?" Melissa shouted at her neighbour's twins. She baby-sitted them on all weekdays after school when their parents were at work. They were adorable three-year olds but quite mischievous. They were always interested in Melissa's stuff and she often had a hard time keeping her gadgets safe. In another 10 minutes the twins' mother would be here to take them away and then she could get ready for dinner that night at The Oshins with her sisters. It was a small treat they gave themselves at the end of every month.

She heard the front door open and went to check. It was Kylie and Bessy coming back from the library were they worked as assistants. Colin and Jack ran to them and gave them big hugs. "Hey Jack and Colin! Giving Mel a hard time again?" asked Kylie. "No, we've been really good." replied Colin in his sweetest voice."Did you get us our Smarties?" "I sure have. Here you go." said Kylie giving them a pack of Smarties each. "Hey Mel, where's Kathy?" asked Bessy. "She's upstairs, taking a shower. I'm waiting for Mrs.Donald to come pick up these two, and then I too will get ready for dinner." replied Mel. "Okay we're going to get ready too." said Kylie, and then she and Bessy went upstairs.

"Why don't Kylie and Bessy look alike like me and Colin? You told us that they're twins too." asked Jack. "That's because they're fraternal twins. And fraternal twins are of the same age but don't look alike." replied Mel. The doorbell rang. Melissa went to get the door. It was Mrs.Donald. Jack and Colin ran upto her screaming "Mommy! Mommy!". She hugged them and then turned to Mel. "Good evening dear. Were they a lot of trouble today?" "Oh it's nothing I cant handle." replied Mel with a smile. Mrs.Donald then gave Mel her monthly payment and took leave alongwith the twins. Mel waved them goodbye and shut the door. She kept the money inside her purse and then went to washup.

In another 15 minutes the girls were ready. They all wore pretty knee-length dresses with basic makeup. Kathy fetched her car keys and she locked up the house. They got into the blue Volvo and Kathy started the car. There was quite a lot of traffic that day.

"Hey did you guys hear about the news? One Direction is back in town!" exclaimed Kylie. "OMG!! I love them so much! I hope we get to meet them." said Kathy. "Yeah, we've never been able to go to any of their concerts." added Mel. "Hmmm.....do you think they might have heard any of our tracks?" asked Bessy. "I hope so. It would nice to know that 1D listens to our music. Plus we have covered a few of their songs. So there is a possibility that they have heard us." said Kathy.

They had reached the restaurant by now. It was a bit hard finding a parking spot, but finally they did find a place and then entered the restaurant. They found a table with the help of the attendant and soon they were going through the menus. "I suggest we go for Italian tonight. Its been a long time since we had Italian." suggested Bessy. "Sounds good. But let's have some drinks first." said Mel. The waiter brought them their drinks and took down their main course orders. "I'll have a risotto." said Kylie. "I'll have a Carbonara." said Besy. Kathy and Mel ordered Pancetta and Cotoletta respectively.

As they waited for their food to arrive, Kylie excused herself and headed to the restroom. There was a common door which opened into the wash-basin area and to the left and right of the basins were the male and female washrooms, respectively. Kylie headed into the ladies room and when she came out into the basin area, the men's washroom door opened and a young boy stepped out. Kylie's heart did a little flutter as she found herself looking into the most beautiful and green eyes she had ever seen. The boy's face broke into a dimpled smile as he introduced himself, "Hey, I'm Harry Styles."

Mystery Girls [On Hold]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن