Fun Times

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The ride to the park was a fun-filled one, with all of them cracking silly jokes the whole way. "Why did the mushroom go to the party?" asked Louis. "No idea, why did he go?" said Bessy. "Because he was a fun-gi." said Louis. There was a mixed chorus of laughs and groans. "My turn. Why was 6 afraid of 7?" asked Harry. "Because seven eight nine(seven ate nine)!!!!" all of them chorused together. "Alright, try this one. It is lighter than a feather but you cannot hold it for more than a minute. What is it?" asked Kathy. They rest of them thought for a while, but finally gave up. "Your breath!!" said Kathy. Then Harry tried holding his breath for more than a minute, to prove her wrong, but he could not hold for more than 5 seconds.

After around 45 mins they reached the Paultons amusement park. After parking the van, they all got down only to be mobbed by a huge crowd of One Direction fans. "Harry!!" "Zayn!" "Over here!" "Please sign this!" The crowd was getting larger by the minute. Liam held Mel tightly so that she wouldn't fall. The crowd got more loud as they all shouted. "Liam who is that?" "Is she your girlfriend?" "Who are all these girls?" Kathy, Bess, Kylie and Mel had terrified looks on their faces. Security guards started showing up and they escorted the boys and the girls away from the crowd and into the park. Eleanor took Kathy's hand and told her "Hey don't look so scared. This kind of stuff happens all the time." Kathy smiled at her. Louis and Niall went to buy tickets. They came back with the straps they all had to wear around their wrists. Two teenage girls came up to them and asked if they could take a pic with the boys. "Sure loves." replied Harry. Eleanor offered to take the pic and after the picture was taken, one of the girls told them, "Your girlfriends are really pretty what are their names?" The girls were taken aback. Zayn quickly replied "Their names are Katherine, Kylie, Bessy and Melissa. They're just friends of ours not girlfriends." The girls just giggled and walked away. "Whoah can't girls just hangout with One Direction without being thought of as their girlfriends?" asked Bessy. " The boys just shrugged.

The first ride was a carousel and everybody got on that. Kathy and Kylie sat on horses while Bessy, Mel and Eleanor sat together in a turtle. Louis and Harry went together in a fish, Niall went on a rabbit, Liam went on a tiger and Zayn sat on a fox. After that one, there was a Power Surge. Everyone except Eleanor and Mel went on it and came back walking like they were drunk. After that there was a Tora-Tora which was a ship which went in a pendulum motion. This time all of them went on the ride. They sat on the last seat and screamed louder than anyone else. When they reached the extreme side, Kathy felt her hand being clutched tightly. She looked down at it, and saw that it was Niall. He had tightly shut his eyes and was muttering something under his breath. Kathy thought he looked adorable.

After getting down from the ride, Harry said "Whew I thought I was going fly off like a bird when the ship went to the extreme!" As they went ahead Kathy moved next to Niall and asked "What were you muttering?" Niall looked shocked and turned a deep red and said "Oh my! You heard me?" "Yeah, it was quite hard to ignore understanding that you were clutching my hand." replied Kathy smiling. She gave his cheek a little pull and walked off to join the others. Niall gazed at her with a goofy smile on his face.

They then headed into a tent which had games such as 'Throw a Hoop' and 'Shoot the balloons'. All the guys had a hand at 'Throw a Hoop', but only Harry could throw the hoop properly. It landed on a teddy bear which he gave to Kylie. The girls 'aww'ed at that which left both Harry and Kylie blushing. At the 'Shoot the balloon', Kathy and Bessy tried, and Kathy shot 4 out of the ballons and Bessy shot 2. Then there was a Basketball Throw, which all of them played, but they couldn't get a single ball in because all of them were throwing the balls together. Finally after a few more games, they chose a good spot on the grass under a tree and sat down to have lunch. There was a counter which sold hotdogs and another which sold sandwiches and salads. They all bought a hotdog and a sandwich each and began eating. "This is the weirdest lunch I've ever had." said Mel taking a bite of her sandwich. "My tummy is not going to get filled with just this. I'll need something more." said Niall who had already finished his sandwich and was halfway through his hotdog. "Well there are salads available too. We can get either a vegetable or fruit salad if this doesn't suffice." said Eleanor.

After finishing their sandwiches, hotdogs and salads, they all bought an ice-cream each and moved ahead. There was a Haunted House next and they finished their ice-creams quickly and got into the line. As they waited, Mel turned to Liam and asked "Are you scared?" "A little bit." replied Liam smiling. "I am very scared. But I don't want to stay outside alone." said Mel. "Well, then why don't both of us not go in. We'll wait outside." suggested Liam. Mel looked at him doubtfully, but then agreed and turned to Kylie and said "Hey sis I'm not coming in. I'll wait outside. Liam's going to wait with me." "No problem." said Kylie giving Mel a small wink, to which Mel responded by sticking her tongue out. She and Liam got out of the line and sat a bench nearby. The rest of them entered the House.

They all slowly walked in a single file with Louis in the front followed by Eleanor. Behind her was Kathy, then Niall, then Bessy, Zayn, Kylie and Harry. Louis screamed at everything inside the house, right from an artificial spider to a hanging zombie. Kathy and Bessy hugged each other the whole time and Harry clung onto Kylie and Zayn. Finally they were out of the House and were greeted by Mel and Liam outside."Wow, looks like you guys totally enjoyed in there." said Liam jokingly as he saw Louis terrified face.

They went on a few more rides, saving the Millenium roller coaster for the last. It was a huge roller coaster, with lots of loops and twists. When they reached the Millenium, all of them ran to the line, except Zayn who lingered behind wondering if he should go or not. He finally decided to go and joined the line. When they got onto cart, Kathy and Niall sat together, Louis and Eleanor, Harry and Liam, Kylie and Mel, and Zayn and Bessy. As she strapped on her seatbelt, Bessy noticed that Zayn was shivering. She asked him what was wrong. He replied" Nothing just a bit cold."

The ride began. They all screamed their lungs out and most of them had their eyes shut. All through the ride Bessy noticed that Zayn was very quiet and had his eyes closed. When the ride ended and they all got off, Zayn was still in his seat with his head in his hands. He got off slowly and went to sit on a bench nearby. They crowded around him but Kathy told them all to give him some air. "Mate, what's wrong?" asked Louis worried. "Nothing just a little nauseaous." replied Zayn. They all wandered nearby while waiting for Zayn to recover. Bessy sat with him and rubbed his back. "Are you alright?" she asked. "Yeah. I shouldn't have gone on the ride. It always freaks me out." he replied. "But I didn't want to look like a coward." "Nobody's going to think you're a coward." Bessy told him smiling.

In a few minutes Zayn was alright and so they all got back to the van and set off home. Everyone except Louis and Liam, dozed off, and woke up only when they reached the girls' home. They told each other good night and promised to call the next day, and then girls went inside and the boys drove off.

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