Chapter 6

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Horace POV

Almost too quickly, but I said almost, not too quickly, Enoch pulled me into a kiss. I got hot and flustered, my heart beating quickly. "E-Enoch," I said, he stopped and looked at me. "It's nothing ......sorry."

"Nothing to be sorry about, Horatius," Enoch whispered. I just looked at him. Horatius? Who's that? A wave of sadness came over me. I thought that I was the only one for him. How could he do this to me?  Tears started to well in my eyes. 

"What's wrong?" Enoch asked.

"Who's Horatius"


"I SAID WHO'S HORATIUS" I was mad, livid even. Enoch just looked at me. "WELL?"

"Horace, you are Horatius. It's the origin of Horace. Latin, It means hour or time." Enoch looked a bit disappointed.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Tears started to well in my eyes again.  

"Don't be, I should be sorry. I wasn't thinking. Sorry." Enoch looked down.

Enoch kissed my forehead. Then my lips. He just kept sweetly kissing me. Unintentionally, I let a quiet moan slip my lips. Enoch's kisses faltered for a second, he kissed me a few more times. After that, he stopped. "Horace?" I looked up at him.


"W-wait, just a second, I think I heard you say something."

"Well what did I say?" I said that with a smirk forming on my lips.

"Okay...... It went something like this," Enoch let a quiet moan out. "Happy?" 


"That's what I'm here for, isn't it?" Enoch chuckled. He kissed me again, not hungry, but sweet.

I laughed and looked outside. "We should be getting back," I said. Enoch just nodded. "Are you okay?" I asked. He just nodded again. "What's wrong?" He finally replied with a simple "Nothing, we just have to act like we don't like each other." I nodded and started to climb down the tree. 

Once we were down from the tree, we both heard a twig snap. I know we both heard it because we looked to each other once it happened. Around a minute later, Claire and Olive both came running. "Enoch, Horace! It's time for dinner!" They rounded the corner and stopped dead in their tracks. "Are you two doing something secret?" Olive asked.

"No, why would you think that?" Enoch snapped. His facial expression and words shut Olive up pretty quickly. I could feel my face growing hot. Thankfully a gust of wind came and blew Enoch's hat off. I took that as an opportunity to go and get it. Hopefully with blush would be gone by the time I got back. It did. 

We got back just when dinner was about to finish being placed on the table. "Mr. O'Connor, and Mr. Somnusson, I would like to inform you two that you'll be setting up the table for breakfast and clearing it from tomorrow's dinner."

"What!? That's not fair!" Enoch almost yelled. 

"It is what it is," Miss Peregrine replied, "And that's the end of this conversation, Mr. O'Connor."

During dinner, Enoch and I kept staring at each other, like having a telepathic conversation. 

Dinner was going great, until the end that is when Claire screamed ......

Mwa hahahahaha a cliffhanger. I'm definitely an evil mastermind. If you can can you check out my other stories. I got a new flamingo hat. AHKDAJHJKESNDZVCAWDCAJEFGJEFD My crush has been looking so neat lately, His name is Jacob. He has blonde hair and either blue or green eyes. He got a new pair of black glasses and looks good with and without them, he plays soccer hehe (he's so cute). My neighbor who's 8 gave me a note and some money saying that I'm a great friend, it was cute (In a kid way). I get to go back to my elementary school for a sports day. Sorry this chapter, like the others, is so short. I also Passed my chapter 2 test for my boating license, I did a happy dance 💃💃💃  Have an amazing and great day. Byee :)

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