Chapter 6: oh no.

Start from the beginning

5 minutes go by and I knew that it was too long, I need to see her, make sure she's okay.

"Capo! Quick!" Alfonso called out. I ran into the room and looked down at Alfonso who was hunching over a computer. "Remember Ryan the crack head dude you just meet with?!" He asked, a nervous look on his face.

Oh no, please don't let it- my thoughts were cut off by Alfonso saying the words I dreaded hearing.

"That's where the call came from." He looked at me with worry and seriousness. "Get me a team!" I yelled running for the door, I had no clue if she had been hurt or taken. I had no clue.

Dio, if you can hear me, please let her be safe.

Running up to the brown house that looks to be about one hundred years old. I knocked on the door. Waiting for a few seconds for a response....There was nothing.

I told my team to wait in the trucks as I broke down the door.

Rushing into the dirty house I looked around frantically, not seeing her anywhere. I heard tiny gasp coming from the hallway and I ran to it. I ran around a few corners and soon I stopped dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me.

I saw Aria on the floor with dried blood around her mouth and blood on her arms, the only thing covering her was a old looking towel.

I rushed over to her side and when I touched her waist she flinched away and screamed. "NO! NO! Please, don't! It hurts!" She screamed on the top of her lungs while hugging her towel closer to her body.

Alfonso ran inside, Johnny right behind him, both looked at the shaking young girl in confusion and concern.

"Get me a medic on stand by for when we get back!" I yelled out, both running out of the house following the order I had just told them to do.

"Hey, hey darling, shh it's going to be okay, okay? I need you to be strong for me. I need you to stand so we can get you dressed. Can you do that for me?" I spoke softly not wanting to scare her even more.

She looked at me with those wide gorgeous grey eyes that were now filled with fear and horror.

"No, no please don't." She kept repeating that phrase over and over again and she was starting to breathe quicker making herself hyperventilate.

"Okay, Aria you need to listen to me. Breathe with me, in..and out...very good." I coached her through breathing with me a few times as I was slowly putting my hands down to make her feel less closed in and making myself look smaller.

"Good, now I'm going to leave for a second okay? I will be right back I promise." As I got up I heard a small "okay." I looked back once to see her staring at the dirty wall in front of her.

I sighed in relief that now she can some what talk without screaming or hyper ventilating, i just want to know who did this to her but now is not the time.

I came back with a small blanket that I found on the holy couch and I wrapped it lightly around her tiny body. "Okay Aria, I need you to wrap your arms around my neck for me okay? I need to pick you up." I said gently getting ready to pick her up after she nodded her head.

"Okay....three..two..on-" I lifted her off the ground before I could finish saying one she yelled in pain. "Ow, fuck!" She clung to my neck as my heart shattered for her.

Who would do this to such nice person, all of the times I have seen her she is always kind and respectful. Whoever it is that hurt her I'm going to personally handle them.

"Okay baby, you are doing so good. Two more minutes I promise" I said while walking towards my car.

I heard her whisper "goodnight mama. i love you." And i glanced down just before she fell limp in my arms successfully making me drive faster.

Time skip🦋

Waiting for my girl to get out of surgery was the hardest thing I have ever done. The doctors told me she had 7 broken ribs, but when I asked how she got them, they simply said it's not their story to tell.

I respect that, and I'm not going to push her to tell me. But it still hurts to know my girl got hurt this bad, how could I be so blind?!

I was pulled out of my thoughts by a throat clearing causing my head snapped up from my phone. My eyes probably looked emotionless, but I was anything but at the moment on the inside i was slightly freaking out, I didn't want to hear anymore bad news.

"Aria has made it through surgery, she is very strong boss. She is going to be out for a few more hours if you want to see her." I instantly got up on my feet and glared at the doctor, waiting for him to give me her room number.

"Okay..I take that as a yes, room 690, right down the hall." I remember the number and walk to the door. Of course while I was walking away I said a quick thanks, but I don't think he heard. Oh well.

I walked into the dark room and I felt my heart breaking at the sight in front of me. My girl, is laying there on the hospital bed with wires and scary looking needles sticking out of her arm, she looked so uncomfortable, so pale.

She may not know she's my girl yet but I will make sure she knows soon, I can't let her go after this. I got attached but at this point I don't care, I will do anything to protect her.

I walked by her large bed that made her look tiny and grabbed onto her cold hand placing it in my warm hand. The annoying sounds of beeping going off every other second swallowed the quiet room.

I should of talked to her maybe if I talked to her she would of called me first before anyone could touch her. Lost in my thoughts, I was pulled back to reality by the sound of a small groan.

"Mmm, fucking aye." Aria groaned while trying to open her eyes. I sat up on the chair that I was sitting on and gave her small hand a squeeze. "It's okay just relax, you are safe now I promise." I noticed that she stilled at my words not daring to move a inch.

Her heart rate started to pick up as he kept her eyes closed like she was dreaming. "Damion, why am I here? Please let me go to the house...I can't, I can't stay." I thought for a minute and maybe I'm just stupid and too quick to jump to conclusions, but that still didn't make sense.

I thought that "the house" was the place where she got hurt...was I wrong? I gave her hand one more light squeeze and her heart rate started to regulate. "Okay love, just rest okay? We'll see what we can do in the morning."

She simply groaned in response and whispered a small 'okay'. After a little bit she mumbled a quiet whispered that was almost quiet enough for me not to hear.

"Goodnight mama, I love you." And soon after that her soft snores filled the room along with the slow beeping from the machine above her.

Im sorry angel, I am sorry I couldn't save you sooner. With that thought in my mind I drifted off into a peaceful sleep knowing she is okay next to me.

Heyyy guys! Hope you liked this chapter let me know if I should change anything🖤🖤! I love you all!- love author. Word count:1951

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