"I don't know," I shrug my shoulders. "My parents are going to send me away," I tell her. "After I found my one true love after I finally felt welcomed in my own family, they just want to send me away," I tell her. "Not to mention my dad's been really disrespectful towards me during my break, I understand I've said some things too, but he's been way over the top," I ramble.

"I won't let that happen. My boy has been his happiest self with you and I won't let your egocentric father ruin all of that for you two," She says.

"What are you going to do?" I ask. "My dad won't change his mind, I've tried to," I tell her.

"We'll see, I'm very convincing," She says. "While I figure out what to do, go talk to Peyton," She tells me, giving me a smile before shooing me away as she did with the boys.

I walk out of the kitchen to find a very worried Peyton pacing back and forth.

"He can't do that," He tells me, noticing me. His words made me realize that he was standing at the door listening to our conversation. "I won't let him do that," He says, seeming to get angrier by the minute.

"He's my father, he'll do whatever he wants," I tell him, kind of quietly, knowing he's angry.

"He's not going to take you away from me," His voice gets darker. I look up to find his eyes a darker shade. His wolf.

"Peyton?" I ask, knowing who I'm actually talking to.

"He won't take you away from me," He says, ignoring me.

"Um-" I try to call someone as P- Damian steps closer and closer to me.

"I love you, I won't let your father take that away from me," He says, taking my wrist and dragging me to his room, kind of harshly might I add.

Once we're in his room, he locks the door and looks outside through his window.

"You won't leave this room, you hear me?" He asks, giving me a glare, but I know that glare wasn't directed at me.

"I'll have to leave eventually," I whisper to him. "My parents know where I am, Damian," I tell him, my voice soft.

"No!" He yells, making me flinch. He grabs my wrist again and this time he actually hurts me. I scream in pain as he drags me to the window. When he realizes something, his eyes quickly flash a lighter color and he lets go of my hand. Peyton finds control.

"Fuck," He quickly lets me go. "Cambry, are you okay?" He asks, gently taking my wrist and looking at it.

"Peyton," I cry out, wrapping my arms around his neck. "It hurts," I cry out after unwrapping my arms around his neck.

"I know baby," He tries to soothe me while taking my wrist gently again. "I'm so fucking sorry," He kisses my wrist. "Please forgive me," He pleads. "I couldn't stop him, he-" He tries to explain, but I stop him.

"I know," I stop him, taking my wrist back while looking for any signs of it being sprained or broken. "I think I need a doctor," I tell him, calming down.

"Babe, I promise to never do that again," He says, his eyes had tears in them. He was crying for me.

"It wasn't you, It was Damian," I told him, fully understanding. Damian felt scared so he probably didn't realize what he did until it was too late.

"Come on," Peyton says, helping me out of his room. "Mom!" He calls while we walk down the stairs.

"Yes?" She asks. Once she saw me holding my wrist, she went into a worried state. "What happened?" She asks, quickly running to me and looking at my wrist.

"Damian got out of control for a moment," Peyton says, sadly.

"Luckily the pack doctor is nearby," She says. "I'll tell him to come over, you two go sit in the movie room and relax until then," She says.

"Come on," Peyton says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and directing me to the movie room. "What movie do you want to watch?" He asks me after I sit down on the couch.

"Surprise me," I say. When he put the movie in, he sat next to me on the couch and began watching it. I didn't. I was too distracted to pay attention to the film in front of me.

Soon, Peyton noticed my distracted mind and he paused the movie.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"The doctor is here," Mara says.

"Coming," I called while getting up and walking up the stairs, semi-ignoring Peyton's question.

"What seems to be the issue?" The doctor asks as he notices my appearance.

"My wrist-" I showed him my wrist. "It hurts," I tell him.

"What happened?" The doctor asks.

"My wolf took control," Peyton tells him.

"Okay, does that hurt?" He asks, putting a little pressure on an area. Once he saw me nodding my head, he quickly released it. "It looks like your wrist may be sprained," He tells me. "I'll prescribe you some medication that will help with that pain." He says writing something down on a piece of paper. "I also recommend wearing a brace for a few weeks and if the pain becomes unbearable, ice it," He tells me.

"Thank you, doctor," Peyton says before looking at me again. At this time, Mara left to go do whatever. "Tell me what you were thinking about," Peyton says, looking at me.

"It just seems like everything is slowly slipping away from me," I tried to explain to him. "No matter how many incredible things have happened to me while I've been here, I knew deep down that it would eventually be gone because nothing good ever lasts," I tell him.

"Look at me," He tells me before taking my chin and forcing me to look up at him. "You'll never lose me and I'll never lose you," He says. "If I have to, I'll move with you," He explains to me before wrapping his arms comfortably around me. "I'm never letting you go," He says as I cuddle into his chest.

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