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Sitting on the pillow I lean against the wall and fall back asleep pretty quickly, without dreaming this time.

Waking up I notice that yet again, I'm wrapped in a blanket. Deciding that I'm much too comfortable to move I settle for looking back at the desk where quirrel was sitting at. Keyword was because he is now gone from the desk. Another thing missing from the desk is the pastry that I brought him, and the drawing? Weird, I don't see it in the trash bin next to the desk.

After looking around I see the drawing- is that tape? It's taped to the pantry??? Weird- anyways quirrel is in the kitchen mixing some sort of fruits and/or vegetables together. Well technically fruits are a social construct since they could all be classified as a part of a vegetable so whatever. Looking back at him he's pretty focused on the food in that bowl, like concerningly focused.

Deciding to stop paying attention to what he's doing I think back to what happened earlier this morning. That soul thing I did was pretty cool but like- what the hell was it. I never exactly saw that in game unless the way soul works here is different? That's the best explanation. I wonder what else I could do with soul if I could do that? Could I make a weapon out of soul?

Being completely zoned out I failed to notice that I was just kinda scooped up. Like a basketball. After being sat down I finally noticed that I had been moved to the table where a small stone plate and some of the vegetables I saw him mixing shit with earlier. I shrug and absolutely devour it, barely avoiding eating the plate, in about a minute. 

After I finish I watch quirrel as he brings his food to the desk and continues writing. Wow is he still working on that?? I don't get how writing it is so difficult just say "I found a vessel wandering the city" Okay actually I can see how it would be difficult to word. Walking over to the desk I was surprised that I could understand what he was writing.

Actually looking at the letter, quite frankly it was a mess. After watching quirrel struggle to write it somehow not noticing me, I gave up and snatched it from him. He seemed startled when I just fucking snatched it but he was too confused to stop me. I looked over what he was writing for context before trashing the letter, pulling out another thing to write on, and well- writing the letter. 

After like 20 minutes I handed the letter over. It definitely wasn't the best but it also wasn't as bad as his were, no offense to him but explaining things was definitely not his area of expertise. He went through it, changing a few details here and there before sighing and putting it in a bag that hung from a small hook at the side of his desk.

"Don't leave I'll be back."

And with that he was out the door. Well he was before he popped in to grab an umbrella looking thing. Sitting on the pillow that he brought out for me when I got here I got bored pretty quickly. Looking at the time it was like 9 in the morning, not too late but still. Looking down towards the streets I saw what looked like a fight breaking out. 

Well free entertainment for me I guess. At some point it started moving out of my general view, great there goes the one thing I was gonna do today. Right before I was about to get down I saw- IS THAT ANOTHER VESSEL

-Nooo it's just some random bug that just so happens to look exactly like a vessel. OF FUCKING COURSE IT'S A VESSEL-

Well someone's in a bad mood today. I roll my eyes and focus back on the small vessel. They looks a bit similar to goateye but with their horns merged together, and without the chip in their vessel feet things. Nubs, that's what they are. Jumping down from the windowsill I decide to go against quirrel's request. In my defense it's a special situation.

As I open the door I swear I see-

(A/N Hey y'all, this chapter was a bit short because it's more of a transition chapter than anything else. Also quirrel taped the drawing to the pantry like a parent taping a drawing their kid made to the fridge and I find that adorable)

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