Half disrespecting a god half getting kidnapped the chapter

193 8 15

no wonder I'm so tired.

Falling asleep I swear I felt something get draped over me but it was probably my imagination. When I started sleeping I expected to wake up in the same dream void I always had but I didn't. I instead woke up on a floating platform with tall white tufts of grass and an orange sky. God damn it of course I'm in the damn dream realm.

 Looking around I noticed a light in the distance that was probably the radiance. Makes sense, infecting a kingdom full of bugs must take time- not like I have anything to do but wait. After sitting doing nothing for a while I felt a particularly bright presence that made my void boil, I feel bad for the "pure" vessel for having to deal with this fanta bitch's temper tantrum for so long.

Hearing that she scoffed, seemingly confused as to what I'm talking about and offended, hovering over me presumably trying to figure out what to say. Damn I totally with I had an almost empty cup of starbucks frappe to disrespectfully slurp every time she speaks, that would be hilarious.

Oh wow, an almost empty cup of starbucks frappe to disrespectfully slurp every time she speaks just appeared, how convenient. She clears her throat about to talk when I immediately slurp, loudly. Successfully annoying the shit out of her as I watch her eye twitch.  She almost starts speaking several more times getting more and more frustrated as I keep interrupting her. 

Eventually she snaps, raging about how disrespectful and rude I am and how I shouldn't act so casual in front of a god. After a 40 minute lecture on respect she calmly begins saying something, which I immediately cut off by a long, loud slurp. Giggling to myself as she snatches the cup out of my hand and obliterates it. 

She puffs up presumably to intimidate me, but I just break out wheezing which ends up just pissing her off more. Eventually she's had it with my annoying gremlin bs and she screams, launching a spear at me which I dodge by the metaphorical skin of my teeth. Laughing again this goes on for awhile until she grumbles something about me truly being the wyrm's child. That shuts me up quick as I glare at her for comparing me to the lamp-fork abomination. 

She seems to enjoy the silence before I think, wait if she's basically in my head right now- does that mean..?? I bombard her with the most gross bs I can think of, disgusting her to the point where she visibly recoils. That sure wiped that smug look off her face before she regains her composure, beginning to speak in a sickly sweet tone that disgusts me.

So, child I come with an offer, in exchange for your worship I will give you anything your heart desires.

Yeah, I'm not going to fall for that, is she a fucking moron or something? Why would she think, after all that, that I would even consider worshipping her? What a fucking moron she must be. She seems pissed at that remark as she finally gives up and boots me from the dream realm huffing about me being a foolish excuse for a god and how I'm a simpleton. 

After being booted from the dream realm, I wake up at like 6 in the morning, after trying to get up and realizing at some point there was a blanket wrapped around me very tightly, I take a sec to check if quirrel is awake only to see him slumped over at the desk he was writing the letter at. Deeming it safe to get up, I quietly take the blanket off and decide to go to that market lookin' place I saw earlier.

Slowly opening and closing the door after triple checking I didn't lose anything, I head out hoping that the stalls and stores n the area are at least opening soon. Seeing a quicker detour through an alley I decide to walk through, quickly getting grabbed and knocked out, waking up in a jar. Opening my eyes I see I'm in the soul sanctum and overhear someone talking about meeting some quota and leaving to get home.

Waiting until I can't hear anything nearby, I first try opening the glass jar from the inside without success, after trying a few methods to get out I hear someone walking into the room so I panic and fake sleep. They pick me up and I freak out, there HAS to be something I can do. Scratching at the glass, I remember I have soul.

 In a panic I just do the first thing that comes to mind, a small burst of soul breaks the glass, sending the bug previously carrying me across the room. Using that as an opportunity, I sprint through the halls not caring what I end up breaking or knocking over. Running into a lot of jars of soul I end up filling my soul storage which only energizes me.

After awhile I end up falling over, running straight into a door I turn around to see a group of those soul researcher dudes. Banging on the door I try that soul thing again, barely getting it open before one of them grips right where I would've been. Quickly running through the city they lose me at some point and I end up in the market. 

Looking around I see a few stalls and stores open already. Seeing one with what looks like bread and pastries in a display, I run over gesturing to a pasty with powdered sugar on it. They laugh and say something about children these days before exchanging it for like 50 geo. I don't mind the price as I have like 13,000 in my stolen geo bag. 

Looking back I point to another one handing the baker geo before they hand it back, talking about how I must be worrying my parents by being out of the house so early and how they just want me to get home before they wake up. Walking away I look for the area where quirrel's house was, after like 15 minutes of looking and some concerned stares from the bugs at the stalls I find my way back.

Placing the free pastry on the desk quirrel was sleeping at I make a quick doodle of him to show it's for him before I eat mine. All that running made me hungry as all hell. Not seeing anything else to do I consider my adventure over, looking at the clock it's about 6:30. It feels like it's been more than 30 minutes since I woke up but being chased by people from the soul sanctum looking to kill you for your soul does that to you.

Sitting on the pillow I lean against the wall and fall back asleep pretty quickly, without dreaming this time.

(A/N A LONG CHAPTER? IN THIS ECONOMY?? I had so much fun writing this and adding the small details and I'm excited to have more quirrel interactions in the fic. I just got to the part with monomon so expect more family dynamic fluff to make up for the blue lake scene with quirrel. Have a good day y'all)

why do drugs when you can be reborn as a godOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora