Chapter 2- As if today wasn't bad enough.

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" 3rd person pov"

The scene opens on a long stretch of land, covered with layers of ice, snow and the bones of creatures unknown last meal, suddenly, a snowbank begins to move and shake as gaige pops out of it, shaking the snow off herself and shivering.

Gaige- LUCAS.

She yells out over the howl of the blizzard, but no response was heard, determined to find her friend, she slowly crawls out of the bank, she then tumbles down the side of it and rolls down onto her back.

Gaige- Ow, uuugghh, I feel like I just got hit by a semi-truck.

?- Oh boy, more dead vault hunters, Jacks been busy.

A robotic voice suddenly rings out, gaige looks up to see a small, yellow one eyed robot, it had a wheel instead of feet and was holding a shovel.

A robotic voice suddenly rings out, gaige looks up to see a small, yellow one eyed robot, it had a wheel instead of feet and was holding a shovel

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Claptrap- as a mistake.

?- Wait, your alive?!.

Gaige-"groan" Of course I'm alive, I nee-

?- THIS IS GGRREEAATT, now I can leave this frozen wasteland and get back at jack.


Gaige looks over to see the others walking over.

Gaige- GUYS.

She runs over, only to slow down at the sight of only 5 of them.

Gaige- Where's lucas.

Maya- I thought he was with you.

Gaige- No, I got shoved off the train by a hyperion guard, last time I saw him was on the train.

They look towards the smoking wreckage of the train, gaige starts to hyperventilate.

Gaige- LUCAS!!!!!.

She runs towards the wreckage in fear as the others rush after her, the robot on their heels.

?- M-minons, my cave is this way.

They didn't listen as they reach the wreakage, gaige spawns deathtrap.


Deathtrap whirls in agreement and begins to sift through the wreakage, the others begin to help as well.



They searched for what seemed like hours with no success, maya sighs and walks over to gaige who was still moving metal.

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