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Hello fanfiction readers and people who just ended up here by being horny:)

I feel like I should introduce myself for those who don't know me as well as talk about the future of this account and stuff.

Author introduction:

I'm Blaine, I'm 18 and a trans/non binary masc presenting fem boy. I wear dresses and makeup and make myself appear girly despite using he/they pronouns. I am from Texas, born and raised here and don't see myself leaving any time soon. That's not even my choice either shit is expensive.

I love animals, writing/reading and photography. I like to incorporate a piece of me into everything I do so that I don't forget who I am, probably because I have a form of schizophrenia that makes me steal other peoples personalities and quirks. I like to talk about serious issues as well, I'm a supporter of human rights including; abortion rights, blm, alm(asian lives matter), trans lives matter, lgbtq+ rights and anything that means people are allowed to be free without fear. I also bounce back and forth between religions, I haven't been a Christian since I was a child but I am an atheist. I have 2 cats of my own and I live with 3 other animals. My brothers dog Sable, his cat Pasha and my family dog Lana who's a 13 year old chihuahua that I've had since I was 5.

I love tarot cards and anything that involves reading people since I love to know what my future is, I'm always afraid that something bad is going to happen so I like to know ahead to prepare. I am a mental health advocate, I have depression, anxiety, ptsd, adhd (which isn't really mental health but it does cause a lot of mental health problems) and insomnia, all professionally diagnosed by my doctor and I'm on medication for 3. I love helping people who are struggling or are in a bad spot and being a therapist friend has been my brand since before I was even developing signs for my mental illnesses.

My mom died when I was 15 and that's when my mental health declined so drastically, a huge thing happened in my life and I didn't know how to cope. I had always been really dodgy about my problems and neglected my mental health for so long, I had a self harm addiction in middle school because I had seen two popular girls cut themselves openly on my bus right next to me and thought that was my only option. I ended up clean for about two years until everything went downhill and started the self harm again. During that time I became distant and emotionless, only showing emotions when I was angry which I was a lot. I've recovered a lot since then and I've been clean for a bout 2 years:).

I have 2 really close friends who I hang out with often and usually only feel myself when I with them.
D, I've known him since 6th grade and fun fact, we didn't like each other because I hated someone who he considered a best friend at the time.
Z, D's boyfriend I've only known him for a short period of time(since Christmas) but he's so amazing it's honestly really hard to not love him. Fun fact, I didn't want to meet him at first because I was afraid I wouldn't like him and would ruin D's happiness.

Future of my account:

At this moment I have lack of motivation to write very much and I haven't had any ideas for my one shot books (this one and the Shayna Baszler one). That being said if you have any ideas for anything let me know because I need the help 😂

I'm still into Rhea and Shayna but I have phases where my obsessions become big and this phase is currently Hook from AEW. Something about him makes me want to scream, cry, shit and slide down a wall. I will still be writing occasionally and have worked a lot on my book The Peace in Brutality. It's a Rhea x oc and it's honestly kinda good so go check it out.

I know I spent a lot of time talking about myself but it's easier to open up than to brag about my books lol.

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know and I will answer what I can. I have nothing else to discuss at the moment but my DMs are open and so are my comments.

If you don't feel comfortable reaching me on here my instagram is moisthoodiesleeves and my Snapchat is whosblaine feel free to talk to me on there :)

Peace and love ❤️

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