You Summoned Me? pt2

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Omg I'm so excited to see everyone reading and interacting I love it and it fuels me to write more. Thank you fr.

Shay walks out with a mic in her hand and glares poisoned daggers at Rhea who's eyes hadn't left me, In my head this was all an act but boy was it not an act for me. I had a crush on Rhea Ripley, The Nightmare, The hottest woman in WWE in my eyes. I had never been quiet about my sexuality or my support for the LGBTQIA+ community and after I had explained everything to my family, they supported me too. I still had NO clue if Rhea had any feelings to give back to me.

My sister licked her lips and smiled with disbelief as she realized neither one of us wasn't going to break the eye contact. This wasn't a part of the script, we were supposed to give our undivided attention to my older sister as she explained her anger. I couldn't seem to look away. My sisters voice drowned out in the back and I realized it was my cue to speak. I looked over to her and smiled, taking a deep breath before softening my voice to her.

"Shay you know I never break my word, aren't you the one who taught me a persons word is sacred and meant to be kept?" The announcers and crowd ate this up as Rhea started saying something. I heard her voice and I could only focus on the way she spoke but none of the words, as my brain started to fill with thoughts of her towering over me in a private dressing room. She looked at me and smirked as my eyes traveled over her body.

"You've got your match Ripley." my sister walked back stage and me and Rhea started to follow her, how was I supposed to handle working with her when thoughts of her hands in and on my body made my heart leap and dance. "You alright Car?" I nodded slowly as we leaned against the door to my dressing room.

We were talking as cameras creeped up behind me and my sister from the other side holding a chair, she went to hit Rhea and as a quick script change I moved in front and blocked it. My body went to the ground with a loud metallic bang from the chair. Rhea helped me up while making sure I was alright since I hadn't been hit by a chair before and an audible cry left my mouth,my sister looked shocked and went to apologize but I fake lunged at her making her back off and run away.

After the cameras cut Rhea moved me into my dressing room, helping me ease the pain shooting through my muscles. That chair hurt like a bitch honestly, I groaned in pain as her thumb traced over the forming bruise on my back. Her eyes shot up to my face and apologized while pressing the ice to my hot skin, i'm kind of excited about getting hit by my first chair. Stupid I know but I've watched my sister get hit by chairs for years and I wanted to be like her.

I was smiling to myself while lost in thought only to snap out when the door opened to show my sister coming in bashfully, her eyes shot up and down my body then to Rhea who was holding ice against my skin. "Car, oh my god i'm so sorry that I hit you that hard." My smile grew and I ran over to her, jumping on her in a tight koala hug.

"That was so amazing! I've always wanted to get hit by a chair and it felt worse than I thought it would!" My eyes were wide and full of excitement while my sister held me with one hand and felt my forehead with the back of her other. Fake worry was on her face as she made sure I wasn't sick. "Are you insane? why would you want to get hit with a chair?" Rhea was standing now and was cackling with laughter at my reaction, my face softened but was still bright with enjoyment as I heard her laugh. I turned to look at her and my breath stopped at her smile, God she was beautiful.

My sister came out to our family a few years ago and my parents took it pretty well, I was still too afraid to say anything despite their support for her. My parents always preferred my sister over me and I felt like they would ridicule me over my sexuality, especially since I am a lesbian and not a bisexual like her. I've had boyfriends in the past and the last couple guys had been really, really good friends since they were basically a cover so my parents didn't look into it. My crush on Rhea had been getting out of hand and I desperately needed to tell someone about it but the only person i trusted other than Rhea was my sister.

It was that moment I decided to come out. Right there. In front of both women.

I climbed down from my sisters hold and looked between both of them before closing my eyes and yelling quite loudly. "I'm a lesbian!" I held my eyes closed for a minute, before opening my eyes and looking to my sister first. She was shocked but then started smiling widely and hugged me, I then looked over at Rhea who was still staring at me stunned then smiled and nodded. "Wow, that was unexpected but congratulations Carter." Rhea sounded genuinely proud of me then it hit me. What if she didn't like girls?

read this pls:)
long chapter i apologize unless you like long chapters then... I totally meant for that to happen 😏 but anyway I wanted to make this certain story into a book itself but I wasn't sure if people would like it, ALSO it would obviously start off where the end of this chapter ended. so in the bio it would be 'What if she didn't like girls?' and so would the beginning of the first chapter,maybe even the end, and then have a cool like big space and then the chapter would actually start. Idk i like this story but also want to please everyone. Another thing is I wanted to make a trans/nb reader since im genderfluid but refer to myself as a trans masc and thought it could be inclusive but lmk :) thank you for reading.

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