Raven: I don't know....

Y/N: You need to decide now. Just know that the offer is there. But, besides that, I had something I wanted to ask you. About that new movie that just came out.

You both stopped walking.

Y/N: I was gonna go and watch it today. But watching movies alone is a bit depressing, so I was hoping you'd like to go?

Raven: Me? Um, why not Briar or Cerise or....

You sighed. You nearly forgot about them. But, this could work in your favor. You smiled charmingly.

Y/N: This movie doesn't seem like something they'd enjoy. Besides, like I said, we never get to hang out.

Raven couldn't help but feel a bit flattered. Maybe it was the way you were smiling at her like she was a normal girl instead of the Evil Queen's daughter. Maybe it was because you were asking to spend time with her. Just her.

Raven: Okay. Y-Yeah. Sounds like a plan, then.

Y/N: Wicked. I'll swing around your room around 7. Sound good?

Raven: Yeah. Sounds great.

You both smiled to each other and continued with small talk on the way to your class. As you did, however, you were unaware that Kitty had seen the whole thing. She grinned when she found a plan brewing in her head.

You held your book open but you weren't exactly reading anything. You had been staring at the same page for about 6 minutes or so. The words were no more than a scrambled mess in your head.

The weather was starting to warm up from yesterday's rain, but the chill was still present. Even under your coat you could feel the bite of winter, though it should be ending soon.

You were in your usual spot under the large oak tree. Your mind was still racing with questions regarding what happened yesterday with that figure. You haven't sent it today, but you did have odd flashes of a brighter place. Like a different world.

Different people.

Dawn: What do you think you're doing?

You looked up from your book to see Dawn looking down at you with arched brows. Her hands were on her hips and she wore a frown that told you that she was annoyed. A rare look for her.

Y/N: Reading.

Dawn: Out here? In the cold? Shouldn't you be trying to get better?

That was right. You told her that you weren't feeling good yesterday.

Y/N: I feel fine.

Dawn: For now.

Y/N: You don't need to worry about me. Honest. I feel better.

Dawn didn't really believe you, but she also knew you could be stubborn and she didn't want this to turn into a fight. Rather, she had a question for you.

Dawn: Well, if that's the case, will you be going to the movies tonight?

You gave her a look that told her that you had no idea what she was talking about.

Y/N: Why would I?

Dawn: Well, Hunter and Ashlynn will be gogoing. I assumed you knew.

You shook your head.

Ever After High: A Wonderful Semester (Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now