Chapter 4: What happened?

Start from the beginning

"Oh I know super bad, but hey look it only has to be two paragraphs and you just have to talk about your favorite person and why they are your favorite." The class let out a sigh of relief, while I was low key panicking. Shit! I don't have a favorite person, I mean I have a favorite place but it doesn't breathe!

"Okay class is dismissed! Have a great day!" My English teacher yelled after a 50 minute lecture on why we have to work on the essay, and why this essay will help build our relationship with that special person.

Time skip🦋

"Okay bye guys! Be safe!" Finally my last class ended letting me quickly leave the classroom. How can someone talk so much about themselves? I mean I doubt my history teacher gets paid to tell us about HIS family. Like dude you are white and your family is probably a bunch of dicks, just like you. And-.

My rant in my head was cut off once I got to the cafe, the smell of coffee and pine cones filled my nose as I walked into the soft room. It always felt like home in here, to bad it's not my home.

I saw Jane cleaning up a few tables and decided not to bother her and just get ready for my shift, she barely works this week so I know she is trying to get everything done before she leaves.

After pulling on the work shirt my ribs were hurting really bad like a little too bad so I took a few deep breath's and pushed the pain down. I touched up on my makeup and got started with the long day ahead of me.

Time skip🦋

Four crying babies, six Karen's, and five spills later, I finally get to relax before having to go back to the house.


Okay. I'm convinced god or who ever really just hates me! Blow me up if you hate me, I thought of curses as I walked towards the counter.

"You don't look to happy love, you okay?" Damion asked with a small smirk on his face. Does it look like I'm happy?! "I'm fine, green tea?" I asked getting ready to make it.

"Yes ma'am, and why are you still working so late? Shouldn't you be home?" He asked concern lacing his tone, but it's probably fake concern.

"Nope, working more shifts to save up." I thought up the best lie I could muster and it seemed to work. "Okay, well let me take you home, you don't deserve to walk after work and school." Okay, but was that a hint of concern in his voice like TRUE concern..? The one thing that caught my attention was the way he knew I had school, how did he know I'm still in school?

"Im okay, I like walk-" he cut me off before I could finish my lie.

"Don't you dare complete that statement Aria. I'm taking you home so clean up or whatever and meet me outside, please." He spoke in a tone that made chills run down my spine like cold water was just splashed over my head. And a tone where I had no other option but to simply nod my head and pass him over the green tea.

"It's $5, not 20." I said as he tries to pass over the 20 dollar bill again. "Fine but just keep the change, I hate change." He said before sipping his green tea, a small smirk dangled from his lips as he brought the cup to hide it.

After cleaning up some more and locking everything up and checking twice, I made it to the door but a sharp pain my ribs made me stop and whimper and grab onto the door for support.

The door was opened, causing me to fall into warm hands. "Aria, are you okay? What happened?" His voice sounds so soft, like a little kitten, really a kitten Aria?!

I was pulled out of my daydream when I felt a warm, gentle hand on my waist. "mmm" I groaned in pain when he grazed over my ribs.

A look of concern and anger crossed his features. "Aria, what happened?" He asked still holding me up-right in his arms.

"Nothing I just need to get to my house, hard day." I lied and he seemed to not believe it but thankfully he just stayed quiet and lead me to his matte black car.

"Audi r8? Nice car." I squeezed out through my pain. "Yeah it's my baby." The way he says baby, had chills crawling down my spine as it reached my fingertips.

"Seatbelt." He said sternly, after putting on my seatbelt my leg would not stop shaking. I always shake when I'm in pain, I guess it was always just nerves. We were driving in silence till he decided to speak up.

"Hey, is it okay if I hold your hand? Get your mind off things, also I'm having a bad day too." He asked in a soft and gentle tone while continuing to watch the road.

"If it's not a bother, I mean I don't want to pu-" he cut me off before I could embarrass myself even more and put a hand on my thigh. Then too soon took it off and held my hand in his, his hand were warm and soft but also callous and rough.

"Relax, you will be home soon." Although his words were meant to calm me they did the opposite and made me panic more. Because I've known that place was not my home anymore, and the man that lives there literally hates me.

He stopped a few houses down like always, and before I could get out of his car he locked the doors. What is with this dude and having my in his car?! My thoughts were answered when he spoke.

"I know you are not saying something, and I'm not going to poke at you to get it out of you, because I barely know you and also it's not really my business. But just know-" He paused, mid sentence and put a hand on my chin to turn my head so that I was making eye contact with him.

"I am only a call away, always, even if it's just to talk or rant." I nodded my head, not trusting my voice at the moment.

No one has ever cared that much to let me rant to them besides my mother but that was years ago.

"Goodnight, Aria." He said while unlocking the door. "Goodnight, Damion" I whispered while getting out of the car. He left after a few seconds and I walked to the house seeing the red truck. Fuck.

After getting kicked in my legs for being late and not having dinner ready. My so called dad passed out on the couch, white powder was still under his flared nostrils, they never looked like that when I was kid, but then again he never acted this way either.

Fucking drugie. I thought as I crawled to my room. The cold concrete floors were kind of helping ease the pain in my legs as I slid into my dark room.

After crawling into bed I decided to just call it a night and go straight to sleep. Jane is on the schedule part time tomorrow and so she will probably want more hours soon and so I have to look for a second job to get out of this fucking hell hole.

Deep breath's Aria, I heard my mothers soft voice cooing my to a peaceful sleep.

Goodnight mama. I love you.

Heyyy guys hope you liked this chapter, please comment if you think I should change something! I would love to hear your thoughts. I love you all🖤🖤- love author. Word count:2002

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