"!Alejandro! Hola, mi hermano!" Carlos came in from the living room.

"Hola," Alejandro nodded. He and Carlos performed their secret handshake ritual, which Mariana laughed at. Carlos, at ten years old, taught Alejandro the handshake when he was just five, and it was one of the many ways they bonded.

"Papá, I have Cassandra sitting in your usual spot, if that is ok," José walked in with Pedro, their father.

"Sí, it's fine," Pedro said. "She is our guest for the night, so she is free to take anyone's seat."

When José saw Alejandro, his usual demeanor changed into a sneer. "Buenas tardes, Al. I think you actually have the best seat for my beautiful Cassandra."

"No, you said she was sitting in dad's chair, so she's sitting in dad's," Alejandro told him, trying his best to hide his frustration.

"I changed my mind."

"You cannot just do that."

The sound of the sink water came on from the restroom, and Cassandra stepped out. She grabbed José's hand. "Let's ask my beloved," José said. "Cass, where would you like to sit? This chair or that chair?" He gestured between Pedro's and Alejandro's.

"Hmm," Cassandra thought. "I like the one further away from the window. I have already gotten tan enough for the Summer."

"Then it's settled," José smirked at Alejandro, who rolled his eyes. The sun can't even tan you through a window, especially when it's setting, Alejandro thought as he begrudgingly took the spare seat across from José. The rest of the family took their seats after Mariana passed out her freshly made tamales.

"How is Valentina, Carlos?" Pedro asked, referring to his four-year-old daughter.

"She is as playful as ever! Just started her first day of preschool!" Carlos answered pridefully. "I know she will make tons of friends."

"That's great!" Pedro beamed. "And I know she will be the smartest kid in her grade." He turned his attention to José and Cassandra.

"We are doing amazing," José answered before his father could even ask. "Cassandra and I just bought our very own penthouse in California, and we are planning on moving out in the next two years."

Mariana gasped and clasped her hands together. "Oh, dios mío! That's so exciting!"

"I am so proud of you, son! I knew that CEO job would pay off!" Said Pedro. Alejandro played with his napkin, desperately trying not to rip it to shreds. Of course! José has a higher-paying job than me in the end!

"Also," José glanced at Alejandro from the corner of his eye, "We are both planning on getting married next year."

Mariana placed a dramatic hand on her chest. "This is too much for mi corazón to handle! My second son is getting married!" She scooted closer to the couple. "Cassandra, I can help you with all things makeup and hair!"

"I would love that, Señora!" Cassandra grinned. "After all, it's even more special when two of your children get married rather than just one. It means that your family's legacy is continuing!"

"I know! I can not wait until Alejandro finds his esposa!"

José snickered. " I don't know if Al will get married, mamá. He is too busy having one-night stands with a new woman every week."

"Shut up, José," Alejandro growled, his face turning red with fury and embarrassment.

"José, that's enough," Mariana scolded. "It is not nice to make fun of your brother."

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