Chapter 3 || Jack

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Cas (POV)

"Well, what do you want me to do with him?" Sherlock said, eyeing the man I used to love. Obviously not anymore.
But still, I just stood there, staring at him. The guy I lost, my choice, but was it really? Would I have stayed with him if I knew how much not having him would kill me? Before, I mean. Before I got over him.
"Maybe...God, I don't know! What the hell is he doing here? Can you get my some water?" The words come from my mouth but I am still numb inside, still in shock.
Sherlock nods lightly and goes downstairs, into the kitchen. Fuck. He's waking up. What am I supposed to do?
"I love youuuu..." Dean singsongs, eyes closed but head moving towards me, the rest of his body still motionless. I gasp and stumble back. What. The. Hell. What am I supposed to do?!
So, I do the only thing any logical person would do in that situation. Run away. Down the stairs, through the destroyed living room I will surely be made to pay for and into the front lawn. My feet slow as they reach the street, and my eyes begin the water. A tear slips my eye before I can wipe it away and before I know it, I'm crying. The boy I swore to never see again. And how he's back. I sound like a dying horse when I cry, so it was no surprise when Dean from the window yelling "Horsey!"
I need to leave now.
And that's what I did. I got into my car, while Sherlock, cup of water in hand begins to yell at me to get my boyfriend out of his house before he ruins his experiments. I flip him off, which only causes him the through the water at my open window. My face is already soaking anyways, so I don't care as much as I usually would. I swear at him and drive away, probably too angrily to be on the road. Like a give a shit. He's back, I think, he's back. I run a red light, thankfully no cars were around. What I can't understand is why. Why would he be back? He had Liz now, or whatever her name is. He chose her. Maybe he's back for you. I think. Stop it! Stop that right now! You got over him, like, a week after he left. You have a boyfriend now. You have a boyfriend now. I quickly get my phone and call him.
"Hello?..." He answers the phone groggily, even though it's 2 pm. Fucking alcohol man..
"Jack, hey, it's me.. I was wondering what time you want me to come by later?" I ask quickly, not really knowing why I called him.
"I don't fucking know Cas, you never ask anyways, what's going on? Do I have to get up for it?" He asks, very much sounding hungover.
"Nah, it's okay, I'll be over in 5, nothing to worry about-"
"Okay, I got to go, see you then." Jack rushes and hangs up the phone quickly. I sit in my car confused for a good minute before driving down a few streets to see what the hell just happened.

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