#6 - Covert Operations

Start from the beginning

"To continue with this service, you must answer the following security questions." The receiver explains. Grevton nods, tapping his foot vigorously on the floor. Quickly.

"What does a funambulist walk on?"

"Sorry, what?" Grevton says, bemused. "What does a funambulist walk on?" The receiver repeats, flatly. What is a funaboolis? Grevton rubs his creased forehead. "Uh, I would like to pass on this question."

"Who is this again?" The receiver

"Who is this again?" The receiver asks in a cynical tone. "It's Alfred Grevton." He responds.

"Okay." Grevton hears some scribbling over the phone. "Mr. Grevton, can you tell me the name of the first woman who circumnavigated the globe?"

"Um, hold on." Grevton clasps the phone in his hands. "Hey, intern." He whispers to the intern, who doesn't respond. "Jonas!" He hisses. The intern places his phone back as he steps forward. "The first woman who circumnavigated the globe. Quick, I need an answer."

"Um," the intern says, "Amelia Earhart attempted to circumnavigate the globe in the late 1930s..."

"I don't need a history lesson, boy!" Grevton pulls the cellphone to his ear. "Is it Amelia Earhart?"

"No!" the intern whispers.

"Sorry, we can't help you." The line gets disconnected. "Hello?" Grevton says, checking his cell.

"It was Jerrie Mock." the intern says. "Geraldine 'Jerrie' Mock."

"Why did you tell me the wrong answer!" Grevton snaps at the intern.

"Sir, I told you it was Jerrie Mock." The intern protests.

"Why did you-" Grevton pauses. Now's not the time. He forces a deep breath when he looks at the notepad on his desk. "Did Jason pick up the call?"

"No, sir." The intern replies,"He's out of reach."

"Okay," Grevton says, straightening his tie. "Get the Squad on the line."

"The one you just called, sir?" The intern says. Grevton shoots him a death stare. "I-I'll contact the Squad right away." The intern flees from the room.

"Smart ass." Grevton mutters. He dials in another set of numbers in his cell. "Hello?" A weary receiver answers. "Sorry for waking you up at this time. It's Manager Grevton from the Security Center." Grevton taps his fingers on the desk.

"Wait," the receiver says. Grevton hears the flickering of a switch and rustling of papers over the line. "Um." The receiver pauses, "When and where was the first atomic bomb dropped?"

"6th August 1945. Hiroshima, Japan." Manager Grevton responds proudly. "And which country won the first FIFA World Cup?" The receiver asks. "Uruguay." Grevton answers. See the questions should be like this.

"And when and where did we first meet?" The receiver asks. "Um," Grevton remembers. "Farleigh Apartments, 8th July 2016." That's where the family stayed before. He reminisces the times when he would monitor Jason and his best friend while their parents would be busy working on the election campaign.

"Yes, sir." The receiver says, yawning. "When was the last time you saw Jason?" Grevton asks. "Um, at around 6.30 this evening. He was at the Karspin Cafe." The receiver answers.

"And do you know if he had plans tonight or if there was any one-on-one training session he had to attend?"

"We don't have any training sessions tonight." The receiver replies. "Wait, let me ask Peter. He might know something about Jason's plans." He places the call on hold.

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