Chapter Seven: Texas

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Inside the police station, staring back at me, was Dallas Winston. I shook my head and laughed to myself, Two-Bit was right. As though my smile broke him from his trance, Dally came outside to meet me. 

"Lex, what're you doing here?" He asked, his voice shocked, "How did you even know I was here?"

"Well, if you're not at Buck's, The DX, The Curtis House, or The Dingo- you're at the police station," I said with a grin.

Dally's eyes widened, "You went to all of those places to find me? Man, you really are crazy about me, aren't you?" he asked with a smirk. God, he was hot— even when he was making fun of me.

My face got red and I laughed, "Naw, Two-Bit heard from some guy at the bar. Said you got hauled in, so I just wanted to make sure you didn't spill our story."

"Don't worry bout me. I told them— get this— that the guys are in Texas. Texas, man!" He said proudly with a chuckle.

"You lied to the police?" I asked, my smile gone. "It's one thing to just leave out information 'by mistake' but giving them a false tip? I think that's a crime!"

"Don't worry your pretty little face, doll," he reassured me, "I told the cops that I'd heard that information from someone else and it probably wasn't true. Plus— remember— we're doing this to help Pony and Johnny out. My little piece of advice will have 'em looking in an entirely different  state! They'll be safer this way, and that's what you want— isn't it?" He asked.

"Fine. But no more lies and keep my name out of it! I was just a witness, I didn't ask to be apart of this," I demanded. I couldn't argue with him, but I could set some things straight. 

"Sounds good, doll," He replied, cracking another grin. Oh my god— I'm in love with Dallas Winston.

We walked away from the police station side-by-side. There was a slight breeze, and I was thankful for my leather jacket. It was a beautiful fall day, the trees in the lot were just starting to change colors. Me, Pony, and Johnny would spend hours outside on days like these, just talking about life. Even though it had only been a day since they left, I was already starting to miss them.

"Hey, what do ya think Pony and Johnny are up to right now?" Dally asked abruptly, as though he could read my mind.

"Probably cuddling," I said with a chuckle. 

It was a running joke amongst the gang that they were dating. I mean— they'd make a cute couple. Plus, neither Pony nor Johnny had ever had girlfriends. It wouldn't be too much of a shock. Dallas grinned at me.

"Yeah, right. Johnnycakes has much higher standards, I've taught him well." He said, raising his eyebrow and smirking at me.

"Hey! That's my kid brother you're talking about!" I exclaimed, pretending to be offended.

For a while after that, we just walked along the street and laughed. It sounds like it'd be awkward, but for some reason— it wasn't. For some reason I'm just comfortable around Dally, which is weird because he's a criminal. I don't know, his presence just makes me feel safer. Like nothing else in the world exists, except for him. 

"Is this what love is, this feeling of security?" I wondered to myself. I glanced over at him and realized that he was deep in his own thoughts. 

"Hey, are you gonna come inside? The whole gang —minus Pony and Johnny— will be there," I mentioned, trying to sound casual. Maybe I wasn't ready to say bye to Dally, so what? 

He looked over at me and our eyes met, "Sure, but you know they're gonna have a lot of questions. You might have to back me up a little..." He said unsurely. 

I quickly thought back to my previous statement, in front of the police station. I knew he was remembering that conversation, too. 

"No more lies," I had told him.

But one more wouldn't hurt anyone, plus it'd buy me more time with Dallas. 

"Sure, why not? Doing it for Johnny, right?" I asked him with a fake smile. 

He nodded doubtfully and we walked into The Curtis House standing beside each other, our hands almost touching.

"Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in," Two-Bit and Soda said disapprovingly, almost in unison. 


Author's Note:

Long time no see! I haven't written in a hot second because I honestly had no motivation... this chapter just didn't grab my attention. I have some really good ideas for later on in the story, but I guess I'm just impatient when it comes to actually getting to that point 😅

My summer break has started now, so boredom will probably get the best of me and I'll end up writing some more. It just won't be as frequently as before, sorry!

I just noticed— thank y'all so much for 100 reads!! I love seeing your support :)

Hope you enjoy and stay gold 🌅

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